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Fastpitch Discussions

Are you a nervous wreck?

What's on your mind?

by rrtiger » Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:55 pm

coachkev wrote:What is this a support group?? LOL

Hi my name is DAD and my daughter pitches...

The first step to over coming your illness is amitting you have the problem.

Now that's funny! Thanks for the laugh!
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:58 pm

by umpinva » Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:29 pm

18'sdad wrote:I used to have this disease, but I was cured. It took me quit a while to learn how to be a pitchers dad. Here is the best advice I can give you. Get you a chair and just have a seat. No matter how bad or how well she is pitching don't leave the chair. Just watch the game. When she struggles encourage her. When she is having a good game encourage her. Try to make it a whole game without saying her name. Address her by her number. When you say their name they have a tendancy to look to see who called them. Let her focus on the game and you focus on being dad. Hope this helps. Just sit down and relax. After you watch a few games you will remember how fun this game can be.

Nice advice 18'sdad.

Hello my name is Blue. I'm an umpire and have not officiated a game in three days. Withdrawal is he!!.
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by sftballjnkie » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:19 am

I am getting MUCH better about breathing while my DD pitches. Turning blue during a game was very embarassing. 1st yr 10U we were lucky enough to have her pitching coach as her team coach so I knew she was in good hands. He had to tell me to "stop being so encouraging" a couple of times as I would get nervous and talk the whole time. The coach couldn't get a word in edgewise. (Not that bad, but close) Now she is on another team and I do talk her through mechanics a little when she struggles. No criticism, just encouragement always.
I have learned that she is more mentally tough than I am and tunes me out anyway, so I just sit and enjoy watching her play. It is hard, but I know better for her. No pacing though as I feel like she will see me doing it and get nervous for me!!!!!!!!
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