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Fastpitch Discussions

Australian Girls looking for a Team - October

What's on your mind?

by » Wed May 29, 2019 7:38 pm

Hi Heybucket Forum

I'm trying to find a team for each of my 2 girls and thought you may be able to help.

We are heading your way on a family vacation to California in October this year.

We live in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia and I have 2 girls that play softball and have done so since they were 6.

They have played at State and Regional Championship events and play softball, at any opportunity – so they tell me they go alright.

We will be mainly based in Los Angeles from October 3 until October 22, but will be travelling through to San Francisco and Las Vegas as well as everything in between during this time.

My daughters Paris, aged 17 - born May, 2001 and Charli, 15, born May, 2004 found your website and seen the event the Triple Crown Showcase at Big League Dreams to be held October 19-20 during our stay.

Is there any possibility that they would be able to find a team and play this event or any competition you may have during our visit? As we will definitely be coming to watch anything you have on during that time.

Paris is a pitcher and 1st base player.
Charli is a catcher and outfielder.

If there is any opportunity could you please let me know – as this would certainly be an amazing experience if it might be able to happen.

I can provide you the girls social media contact details if youd like to know more.

Hoping for some help or advice....

Kind regards, Chris.
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Joined: Wed May 29, 2019 7:13 pm

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