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Fastpitch Discussions

Find a way!!!!

What's on your mind?

by curveballerguy124 » Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:28 pm

If you are a single parent, or parents with zero athletic ability or parents with lots of athletic ability but know nothing about softball or are on a budget. It doesn't matter, if you want your daughter to become a better outfielder or infielder you need to find a way....

I promise its not rocket science people, there are so many resources out there on youtube (i.e. trosky baseball, ultimate baseball etc etc). A little research and a small investment in tennis balls, a tennis racket and a tee-ball glove, and you will be on the way. Here is the beauty you don't need a softball field, a black top at a school, empty parking lot, or handball court will do for in-fielding and a open field will do for out-fielding.... Get in a little exercise hitting tennis balls to your kid something that any parent can do with minimal practice but more importantly you get to spend quality time with your DD....

A little instruction and lots of repetitions everyday goes a lot further then a weekly fielding class..... So if you can't get your daughters to a fielding class EVERY week or want to save a few bucks. Invest in some tennis equipment and get in a little exercise your body, your wallet, and your daughter will thank you for it (well maybe not your daughter)!!!
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