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Paying college athletes

What's on your mind?

by Battle » Wed Oct 16, 2019 5:03 pm

notthisagain wrote:
Battle wrote:
notthisagain wrote:Can herd sheep
Can drive cattle
Can lead people
But money buys all 3

Wait...Did you hear that?....I think General Patten rolled over in his grave...

"We are not retreating just advancing in another direction"
General Douglas MacArthur

Please....Please...Continue to dazzle with your brilliance...
We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way!
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by Schmick » Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:07 am

The leftist scum media needs to pick a side.

On one hand they cry that people are going 100k in to debt to get a college degree and that everyone should have a degree

Then, without skipping a beat they cry that people who are given the opportunity to get a degree for free are being treated like slaves.

So which is it? Is the degree worth everything or is it worthless?

Part of me feel that this is another leftist scumbag shell game. Here they are telling everyone that they want to allow college athletes to profit off of their likeness or merchandise sales that the NCAA or schools are earning. But the other hand is that they're going to start charging the student athletes income tax on the value of their scholarship.
That will be a crap storm for no money sports like softball. There's no EA sports buying likeness rights for softball players but a girl who has a full ride to Stanford will now have to pay state and federal income tax of the 80k a year her scholarship is worth. And what about out of state students? A Softball player at Oregon from Oregon will pay taxes on instate tuition value while a softball player from another state will pay taxes on 25 thousand dollars of a more valuable scholarship.

Never trust leftist scum, they only do things so they can control you or charge you more taxes.
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