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Transfer Portal

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by NumeroUno » Sun Oct 16, 2022 9:56 am

Crossing Home Plate with Kate: The Transfer Portal…Good or Bad?

During my time as a player, it wasn’t common for someone to go into the transfer portal in college. In fact, it was pretty rare and had a bad stigma at times with those that chose to go into it: selfish, not a team player, and unrealistic views of their ability levels.

In today’s generation, the portal is like going into the MLB Draft. With recent changes in the NCAA, it is our opportunity (especially as women) to “get our cut” or our “fifteen minutes.” Did you know that some schools offer $40K-$50K a year to their student athletes IN ADDITION to their athletic scholarships?!?! That’s insane but SO awesome! I remember some highly esteemed athletes being a huge advocate for this when we were in college…so glad to see it come to fruition.

A lot of people talk about loyalty to a program and committing to the school that took a chance on you. But what about the coaches? It seems as if they’re going into that same “draft”? So if a coach isn’t loyal, why should a player be? Aren’t they supposed to set some kind of an example for this? The old saying goes “you are a product of your upbringing.” And I can tell you I certainly am. When I made a commitment I stuck to it. For better, for worse. However, if the commitment didn’t go both ways then I was out.

So when players decide to go into the portal and do what’s best for them and their future in the sport…I say good for them! You only get to go through this process once and, as women, our window of opportunity is that much smaller so we need to make the most of it. We don’t have the luxury of a minor league system or a major league. For those that do get to play professionally, beyond college, are so few and far between…we have a long ways to go before that’ll ever be a thing in the US. As of now, Japan is still the only real opportunity to play for a living.

When I was in travel ball I got a lot of grief for switching teams each year—but that was my commitment. I signed a contract with the team my dad and I chose for me to play on just for the year. That’s it. Most girls during that time would stay with one team or organization all the way through high school but not me. My experience was much different. My father was adamant about finding someone that would teach the game similar to how he taught me. As I’ve said before, that was not easy to find…

I chuckle when I see the “revolving door” that is travel ball today. Again, loyalty is everything and it goes BOTH ways. Your players will stay as long as you are committed to them and their desire to get better. Unfortunately, parents don’t always see the big picture with this and jump ship too soon because they don’t understand this process of getting better. All they see is the destination and not the journey. They’re so blinded by their desire to get their kids to the “top school” or get seen by the “right coach.” It’s sad, but true. Ironically though, I get it. I cannot even begin to imagine the pressure both parents and players feel now that our girls can make a little money in college and not just get a free education…oof.

Therefore to the parents and players trying to find the right fit, do what’s best for you. Your journey is your journey and let God lead the way. It’ll work out the way it is supposed to.

Until next time,

Katie C.

Enjoy the Journey
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by Schmick » Wed Oct 19, 2022 8:07 pm

One player transferred from Sacramento State and after transferring she met with the Sac State AD and said she left because the head coach was a big meanie head who questioned the players physical fitness amd desire to improve as ball players. This player thought the coach would be disciplined and off the player went to San Jose State.
San Jose State's head coach must have been a big meanie head too because after a year as a Spartan the player transferred again, this time to Long Beach State. I think she's out of eligibility but is currently playing for another countries national team because the Team USA coaches must be big meanie heads
Is this a big shock? No, students at NYU petitioned to have an Organic Chemistry teacher fired because he wouldn't give these "future doctors" extra credit or allow them to use notes during their exams. Big meanie head.

When I was a college athlete you could transfer, but you had to sit out a season and lost that year of eligibility. Perhaps it's time to return to that
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