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Pitching needed.

What's on your mind?

by Kat » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:52 am

Does anyone have an article that states how much a pitcher should warm up? and I know it would depend on the pitcher. I know my DD and her friend warm up around 30-45 minutes before a game. Our high school coach is not having the pitchers warmup except for the starting pitcher and its beginning to cause some problems both with performance on the mound and injuries one being my DD. I have looked over a few articles that show what or how they should warm up but nothing that says anything more, like reduction of injuries or to prevent injuries. My DD is a catcher and pitcher, she asked if she should warm up pitching, yesterday. She was not starting as pitcher but has along with the #1 pitcher have been pitching relief for #3 pitcher. Anyhow coach says no you are catching today. Well the #3 pitcher started struggling so he brought in my DD, cold with no warm up the entire day for pitching....then when my DD struggled he brought in #1 who hadn't pitched since first game. Both of them struggled hitting spots to start out, and now my DD's back is spasming today and the other girl who throws a ton is having some back problems to. I would like to approach this coach and explain the issue but I don't want to be an over bearing parent but I have to protect my DD and the other pitchers from this continuing to happen or we could have some problems down the road. All of the pitchers parents are complaining about this, I personally have no problem approaching the coach with my concerns but feel I need some articles to maybe help him understand. We are still pretty early in our season, I hate to think we will have injuries to pitchers and end up struggling in post season because of this. We play double headers, and played back to back days because of rain outs. But if you compare this to a tournament where you play 3-5 games in a day it really shouldn't present a problem if everyone is warmed up adequately in my opinion.
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by dittoz » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:31 am

I would talk with the coach in no uncertain terms that the next time my daughter went into a game cold would be the last time she would go into a game period.

Any coach that puts a full-cold pitcher into a game and expects A) performance and B) no injuries is nuts in my opinion.

In my opinion and on our team, I warm up ALL of my pitchers prior to the game and they generally get in 20-30 mins of warmup, from the very basic stretching to the full-on / throw-hard / ready to go status. Then, I keep a jacket on those who are not, and they keep stretching some and maybe throwing a bit when not on the field. I can generally predict where we'll be ahead of time as to pulling a pitcher and I usually make a substituion ahead of time if my next pitcher is on the field to get her in and able to throw a few more-rewarmup pitches.

Now that being said, it sounds like your daughter wasn't "COLD" since she was catchng, but was not able to get in very many warm-up pitches prior. In my own world, as I say, I'd have them all get some warm-up in, but if she's catching, I can see where that'd be an issue too.

No way a girl goes in to pitch completely cold though - NO WAY!
Being from NorCal, what do I know anyway???
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by artomatic » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:37 am

On my team in a friendly, i have 2 pitchers warm up.
The starting pitchers for the first two games.
for the 2nd game, the starting pitchers for games 2 and 3.
third game, starting pitcher for game 3, and maybe game 1.
Sometimes in friendlies, if they are back to back, and the next game's pitcher is in the field, we will get her out of the game towards the end and start warming her up for the next game so she is ready...
In the original pre game warmup, they break off (with team catchers, not dads or coaches-very important) about 30-35 minutes before game time. They might also throw about 10 pitches just before the game starts if they cool down more than 5-10 minutes...
If your pitcher struggles in the 1st inning, then does better after that, that could mean they arent fully warmed up.
good luck and hopefully you can get the coach to adjust to prevent injuries.
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by Judd » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:22 am

I am a newb but I wouldnt let my 12U DD go in cold either. I warm my DD up for a half hour before her games. We throw a little, then 15 T drills, 15 K drills, 15 walk thrus, then 15 or so pitches, then we work on location.

My DD takes 30-40 pitches before she gets accurate.

I believe the routine we follow is based on her coaches suggestion.

Get the parents together and approach the coach. Let him know your DD's cant go in cold. You would much rather have them warm up for nothing, then have them go in cold.
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by NuNu's Dad » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:42 am

I have my DD let the coach know at the very beginning of the year that she takes a long time to warm up. She requests that since she needs the work anyway, that she would like to warm up for every game, even when not pitching. Since she is on a large roster team, and just pitches, the coaches usually don't have a problem.

Its not just warming up, but a routine that helps her get ready mentally. She has been doing the same routine since 8U rec ball. ;)
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by dblaze » Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:10 pm

Here is a link to a blog that is all about softball. The author is basically stateing his own opinion, but I believe he is pretty accurate about alot of what he says.

Our Coach warms up all pitchers before the first game. The non-starters warm-up for about 20-30 min. The starter generally warms up for 40-45 min. When the Coach thinks the starter will be coming out, she has a parent take the relief pitch out and finish her warm-ups she started. No pitcher goes on the mound without warm up.
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by aka7 » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:37 pm

I think that all pitchers need at least 30 minutes to warm up prior to pitching, and would perfer 40-45 minutes.

I also agree that it is best for the pitcher and catcher to warm up together. But there are times it will have to be a coach or parent.
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by aTmAggies » Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:15 pm

In my DD's pitching coaches oppinion, you should not take longer than 30 minutes. Do some type of wrist snap drill. Then maybe a long arm drill, arm rotation drill and some walk-thrus. After this she throws 4 to 6 of each pitch in her arsenal. JMHO :D

BTW, if you would like to read up on this pitching coach she is Sheri Werner! ;)
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by 2bucketdad » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:30 pm

IMO 30 min is about average, before a game.
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