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Fastpitch Discussions

Do you make your pitchers wear a mask?

What's on your mind?

by andy » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:42 am

Any equipment worn that protects a player I support. However, emphasis on learning to field or play your position properly should not be over looked just because one now has protective gear. Football found the helmet to decrease head injuries, then players started using the helmets as a weapon and began improper tackling techniques (head first) just because they had protective equipment. rules were changed but at the end of the day, learning to tackle properly had to be re-taught in many cases. Very important part of any practice for a pitcher should also be defending her position after the pitch. Yes, occasionally there is the come backer that screams in on her so fast she has no time to react, but often a pitcher is hit by a pitch that she could have fielded had she been in proper defensive position and handled her glove correctly. I personally think emphasis on proper fielding and practicing it on a regular basis is far more important then wearing a mask.
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by Kat » Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:31 pm

I do agree on that point. You have to keep up with your fielding skills no doubt!! Always keep working on that no matter if you have a mask or not they are not a substitute only a protection device.
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