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Fastpitch Discussions


What's on your mind?

by melsdad » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:20 pm

Rich guy is having a party, they all want to go swimming in his pool so they go down to the pool and there is a big ass croc in the pool so he offers a million bucks to the one who gets it out of the pool,everyones saying not me. soon you hear........ SPLASH! dudes in the pool rolling around fighting and trying to stab it, he finally kills the croc, the guy goes to pay him and he turns down the guys offer so the guy says let me buy you a house, dude says no,the guy says how about $1,000 dude says nope, guy says what can I give you?? dude says I just want the name of the SOB that pushed me in!!!
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Joined: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:27 pm
Location: The witness protection program

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