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Fastpitch Discussions

Questions about skills videos.

What's on your mind?

by luckyone » Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:06 pm

We know that the best way to expose your talent is through showcase tournaments, Try outs, etc. But still a lot of players create their own profiles or skills videos. If you have one let us know how you did it. If you are about to create one also let us know about it. Use our forum to post your comments thanks.

1-Did you pay someone to film the video?
2-How much did you pay?
3-Was it worth it?
4-Did you film the video?
5-Did you make any mistakes?
6-If you were to make another video would you change something?
7-Did the Coach call you because of the video?
8-How old was your son or daughter when you filmed the video?
9-How many videos did you send?
10- Any tip that you can give us before we make the video?

Use our forum to answer this questions.
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