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Mr. Bucket Article Vol. Ill--Is Softball Becoming A Business

What's on your mind?

by Mr Bucket » Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:16 am

Been at this a long time, that is being involved in the administration of softball teams and organizations. But dang times have changed. And not the game so much but the rising costs of being involved as a softball player, coach, organization administrator, or parent. I sure hope these rising costs do not price some out of this game.

The 'Game' certainly has become a 'Business' for some.

Tournament Fees are over $1000 now in some instances. And, you better get the $1000 entry fees in at least 6 months to a year in advance or your team is not in the tournament. That can be very hard for many teams to come up with thousands of dollars a year in advance. It has become very hard to stay ahead financially getting in these tournaments.

Here are some of the current Entry Fees of some of the bigger tournaments:

Colorado Fireworks Aurora, Colorado--$2000 Oh and they have already announced it will be $3000 next year.
Zoom Into June Showcase Hemet, California--$1200 Really a 5-game Friendly so that is $240 a game.
Independence Showcase Boulder, Colorado--$1600
Diamond 9 College Showcase Orlando, Florida--$1200 5 games and $1400 7 games
Rising Stars Tournament Plantation, Florida--$1195
Ronald McDonald Tournament Houston, Texas--$1295

And remember all of these tournaments you have to pay months in advance.

Many of you I am sure are saying “hey plan ahead and make sure and fundraise and you will be ready to pay”. Not the point here. The point here is what have we created as softball aficionados? Are we creating a monster here? Or maybe too late, have we created a monster here? Money, Money, Money, Money, as the song goes.

How about fees for Nationals that used to be under $500 a decade ago. Now:
Premier Nationals $2200
ASA Nationals $1200
ASA 18Gold National $6000
Triple Crown World Series $2000
Triple Crown New York $2400

And of course some of the Big-Time organizations that have found that Fastpitch Softball is a Cash Cow. We must give these organization's directors kudos for being industrious and creating a great business for themselves. They have created a business and a living. It is the American Way. But things have gone up on the parents per month charge due to being part of one of these organizations. Team Initiation Fees to join the organization, a per month individual fee paid to the organization by each member of the team. Mandatory in some cases batting lessons, pitching lessons, fielding lessons, and catching lessons. It all adds up to more money charged to the player/parents.

What about all the organizations/teams that have Strength and Conditioning as part of their programs. Great idea but that just raised the parent’s dues another $50-$100 a month depending on who you use.

But on the other hand it does seem softball as a sport is healthier than it ever has been. Just turn on your television and you will see college softball on many networks. Weekend tournaments in many parts of the country are full with waiting list to get in. And parents keep paying what is asked and don't seem to complain.

So maybe I am just an oldtimer who has been sitting on my Mr Bucket too long. But to see a tournament go from under $1000 and 5 years later triples in cost just seems wrong to me. But you know what. These tournaments fill up every year and have a waiting list.

So I am just not sure of the answer to is softball becoming a business. It sure seems so. But the sport is doing great so is that bad?
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by Pale Rider » Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:55 pm

Its a nationwide occurrence also...Not only are the 'BIG ONES' expensive and going up every year, it seem that every sanctioning body has a tourney every week,
Usually simply fund raisers for their own team...But the larger ones have a very healthy profit margin for their directors.
Not to mention the myriad of 'new, greatest ever' sanctioning orgs popping up every week...

Sad thing is, some teams within the 'Big Ones' 'fav' list have a stranglehold on collegiate coaches...
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by PDad » Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:48 pm

Mr Bucket wrote:ASA Nationals $1200
ASA 18Gold National $6000

These didn't look right, so I looked them up.

- 18G Nats is $1,200 since they went to free admission. ASA/USA A Nats are in the $450-600 range + spectator passes.

- $6k was the initial entry fee for JO Cup before it was lowered to $5k. It is $3.5k this year.

I'd add the stay-to-play policies at many top events as increasing the cost.

The popularity of college softball is both a blessing and a curse because it spurs the frenzied pursuit of scholarships which feeds the money-hungry beast.

Other than that, I agree with your overall post. Well done.
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by Makina » Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:25 am

Yes it is a business!! It has become an ARMS race as individual teams probably have a hard time recruiting and keeping top notch pitchers and players on their team. Therefore they are starting to switch their affiliations to these name organizations (not sure this actually helps them).

Ultimately if the Coach is giving full time attention to the team and the organization and is successful, then he is going to have to have a hitting/training facility, give lessons (stay away from required to take from the coach - unless there is merit and he gives a discount).

Then of course he needs to make a living and thus softball has become a business!

If he develops his players and has players that have received scholarships, then he has obviously done his job!
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