by Jamada » Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:43 pm
Hey bucketreader,
I am just like you. I also want to get more out of my machines. Just like we expect more out of our athletes, I am constantly trying to push my equipment to go above and beyond its expectations. Also, just like you, I didn’t get any assistance from the manufacturer with any “creative modifications” questions.
I’ve attempted to convert/upgrade many pitching machines. My first one was the jugs lite flight. Like you, I asked myself the question, “Why can’t this machine do more than what the manufacturer intended? Why can’t this lite flite machine throw regular softballs? Well it does now. After a few modifications, we have a lite flite machine that simulates a semi-accurate, under hand toss pitch, with regular 12” balls.
Getting back to your Jugs Jr. I have successfully modified several of these to do various things, depending on how the modification turns out. I have one that I switched out the control panel with a Super Jugs panel, but it burned up the motor and now it doesn’t turn. We now use that as a tire hitting station. It’s the perfect height, and the white tires don’t mark up the bats. After modifying another Jugs Jr., I had the perfect machine to do pop up drills to the catcher.
After several other attempts, the one that seems to work best when trying to get a Jugs Jr to perform like a Super Jugs is to attach a 4” pneumatic wheel to the top of a Dremel tool. Any spinning tool will work (drill, car buffer, grinder); it all depends on adaptability, rpms, torque, and overall speed and strength of the motor.
Turn Jugs Jr. to full speed and engage power on “modified” handheld device. When Jugs Jr. gets to maximum rpms, hold device so that pneumatic wheel is rubbing against the spinning jugs wheel. Note: Make sure wheels are spinning in opposite directions. If your device works, it will increase the speed on the machine, by an immeasurable amount.
Please keep me informed on your progress.
Jack Madavilla