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by Sam » Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:40 pm

MTR wrote:
Sam Mike passes the can of the next umpire. How about you, Wade? I suppose you back Mike's weak, pompous answer....

You call me pompous, yet you continually insist you are right and anyone who doesn't agree is arrogant, pompous, wrong or whatever negative label you can pull out of your tail.

Goodbye, Sam.

Gosh Mikey,

I'm only treating you as you treat everyone on this never help anybody. You ridicule others with lesser knowledge of the subject of your particular expertise. In my opinion you are the worst kind of umpire...the one who chooses to belittle you publicly because you don't understand the rules....or you actually might take a literal view of the rules. Well, whatever, Mike. I'm only trying to help you to help others...everybody on this board knows how you are and what you are.
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by bigsig » Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:59 pm

I can't speak for other umpires or coaches. I can only provide opinions form my 11 years of umpiring experience. In my experience, the vast majority of coached who approach me DURING a game to explain a rule are not interested in learning anything. They are trying to argue. I often try to explain a rule only to have the coach insist I am wrong, have misinterpreted the rule, or that the rule is "dumb". Or " the ump in our last game...", etc.

If they approach me between games with a question they are generally trying to learn and I'm happy to give them detailed explanations. Parents questions between games, 50/50, argue vbs learn.
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by wadeintothem » Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:44 pm

Sam Mike passes the can of the next umpire. How about
you, Wade? I suppose you back Mike's weak, pompous answer....

I of course dont back you. Your position is bogus.

Yesterday, I ejected an 18G coach. My 2nd ejection of the year. Why? He cheated. He not only cheats, as most of you do,, he cussed me out when I called it. Any parents at Louis who saw it here is the scoop on your cheating coaches.

Runner after runner was dead center or to the left of the center of the white base... not hardly any of them touching the safety base. This was obviously taught running to interfere with First baseman's catch.. closer and closer they were coming. And no, I'm not going to warn an 18 Gold team about interference. And no, I have no interest is preventative umpiring which may have kept this coach in the game.

That is blatant cheating from your ilk Sam. If it wasnt for cheating, you wouldnt need officials. But your ilk is filled with cheaters, so you need umpires.

Me and my partner saw the cheating, talked about between innings .. and we waited for the INT.. and when it happened, we called it.

This coach has the audacity to cuss me out about my call over obviously taught cheating.. Thats unreal sam! What wrong with your wonderful cheating buddies Sam? It's idiotic. I'm not putting with that crap from anybody, least of all a cheater like this guy.

Dont give me any of your bogus crap Sam. While you and your buddies are sitting on your buckets, resting, stuffing a hot dog down your throat, dreaming up ways to cheat or skirt the rules, I'm on my 5th or 6th game of the day running my ass off.

You dont know didley about umpiring Sam, or what its all about. I'm sure you know ALL ABOUT fundraising and who knows, if you are like your buddies, you know plenty about cheating, but dont talk to me about what you think an umpire does.
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by wadeintothem » Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:52 pm

bigsig wrote:I can't speak for other umpires or coaches. I can only provide opinions form my 11 years of umpiring experience. In my experience, the vast majority of coached who approach me DURING a game to explain a rule are not interested in learning anything. They are trying to argue. I often try to explain a rule only to have the coach insist I am wrong, have misinterpreted the rule, or that the rule is "dumb". Or " the ump in our last game...", etc.

If they approach me between games with a question they are generally trying to learn and I'm happy to give them detailed explanations. Parents questions between games, 50/50, argue vbs learn.

I agree with this.. although I'm careful about it as often times questions are asked to sell another umpire down the river. I think I can read that fairly well and will always answer properly posed questions in a proper setting/situation.
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by Sam » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:09 pm

wadeintothem wrote:
Sam Mike passes the can of the next umpire. How about
you, Wade? I suppose you back Mike's weak, pompous answer....

I of course dont back you. Your position is bogus.

Yesterday, I ejected an 18G coach. My 2nd ejection of the year. Why? He cheated. He not only cheats, as most of you do,, he cussed me out when I called it. Any parents at Louis who saw it here is the scoop on your cheating coaches.

Runner after runner was dead center or to the left of the center of the white base... not hardly any of them touching the safety base. This was obviously taught running to interfere with First baseman's catch.. closer and closer they were coming. And no, I'm not going to warn an 18 Gold team about interference. And no, I have no interest is preventative umpiring which may have kept this coach in the game.

That is blatant cheating from your ilk Sam. If it wasnt for cheating, you wouldnt need officials. But your ilk is filled with cheaters, so you need umpires.

Me and my partner saw the cheating, talked about between innings .. and we waited for the INT.. and when it happened, we called it.

This coach has the audacity to cuss me out about my call over obviously taught cheating.. Thats unreal sam! What wrong with your wonderful cheating buddies Sam? It's idiotic. I'm not putting with that crap from anybody, least of all a cheater like this guy.

Dont give me any of your bogus crap Sam. While you and your buddies are sitting on your buckets, resting, stuffing a hot dog down your throat, dreaming up ways to cheat or skirt the rules, I'm on my 5th or 6th game of the day running my ass off.

You dont know didley about umpiring Sam, or what its all about. I'm sure you know ALL ABOUT fundraising and who knows, if you are like your buddies, you know plenty about cheating, but dont talk to me about what you think an umpire does.

Wow, Wade...lot of hostility for the guys who pay don't know me.

1) I don't teach my girls to cheat, much less teach them anything that might injure another player.

2) I know a lot about umpires...I've dealt with many more of them than you have...from all parts of the country. Luckily, there aren't very many of them that treat coaches like you and Mike do on this board and the other board.

3) For every hour I spent on the fields, I spent 4 hours doing the other things I noted earlier.

4) I don't eat hot dogs and I don't eat anything in the dugout. I actually make a point of having a couple of my players responsible for making sure the umpires have water between innings.

5) I also do more on this board and the other board to promote umpires than anybody else.

What you guys don't get is that you can actually do some good for the game if you saw the game from our point of can actually get us to see the game from your point of view.....getting bees from honey instead of getting flies from $hit. Again....I'm just trying to help you guys.

Maybe one day you will work one of my games...I'd like that.
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by wadeintothem » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:32 pm

Sam wrote:
wadeintothem wrote:
Sam Mike passes the can of the next umpire. How about
you, Wade? I suppose you back Mike's weak, pompous answer....

I of course dont back you. Your position is bogus.

Yesterday, I ejected an 18G coach. My 2nd ejection of the year. Why? He cheated. He not only cheats, as most of you do,, he cussed me out when I called it. Any parents at Louis who saw it here is the scoop on your cheating coaches.

Runner after runner was dead center or to the left of the center of the white base... not hardly any of them touching the safety base. This was obviously taught running to interfere with First baseman's catch.. closer and closer they were coming. And no, I'm not going to warn an 18 Gold team about interference. And no, I have no interest is preventative umpiring which may have kept this coach in the game.

That is blatant cheating from your ilk Sam. If it wasnt for cheating, you wouldnt need officials. But your ilk is filled with cheaters, so you need umpires.

Me and my partner saw the cheating, talked about between innings .. and we waited for the INT.. and when it happened, we called it.

This coach has the audacity to cuss me out about my call over obviously taught cheating.. Thats unreal sam! What wrong with your wonderful cheating buddies Sam? It's idiotic. I'm not putting with that crap from anybody, least of all a cheater like this guy.

Dont give me any of your bogus crap Sam. While you and your buddies are sitting on your buckets, resting, stuffing a hot dog down your throat, dreaming up ways to cheat or skirt the rules, I'm on my 5th or 6th game of the day running my ass off.

You dont know didley about umpiring Sam, or what its all about. I'm sure you know ALL ABOUT fundraising and who knows, if you are like your buddies, you know plenty about cheating, but dont talk to me about what you think an umpire does.

Wow, Wade...lot of hostility for the guys who pay don't know me.

1) I don't teach my girls to cheat, much less teach them anything that might injure another player.

2) I know a lot about umpires...I've dealt with many more of them than you have...from all parts of the country. Luckily, there aren't very many of them that treat coaches like you and Mike do on this board and the other board.

3) For every hour I spent on the fields, I spent 4 hours doing the other things I noted earlier.

4) I don't eat hot dogs and I don't eat anything in the dugout. I actually make a point of having a couple of my players responsible for making sure the umpires have water between innings.

5) I also do more on this board and the other board to promote umpires than anybody else.

What you guys don't get is that you can actually do some good for the game if you saw the game from our point of can actually get us to see the game from your point of view.....getting bees from honey instead of getting flies from $hit. Again....I'm just trying to help you guys.

Maybe one day you will work one of my games...I'd like that.

Youre no different than me or especially mike. MTR runs a LOT, I run a little. Both of us volunteer hundreds of hours and dollars to our passion, as you do. You talk out your ass like you know us, and you dont. You are the pot calling the kettle black. Now I may not know you any more than you know me in RL, but I damn sure know you dont promote umpiring on message board, unless you consider sniveling about illegall pitches, home plate obstruction, why no one calls Cat Osterman for leaping, and the wimpering about the strike zone as promoting umpiring :). Its not Sam, youre not promoting umpiring.. youre just a PITA coach like so many others, and one of the reasons you gotta love umpiring.. dealing with you PITAs :)

All that said, its fun debating with you. I actually think you may be one of the Few who really dont cheat. But I wouldnt mind working a game and seeing for myself if you really dont try to cheat for some advantage. Many simply lie and cheat on the field more than they ever would off the field, as its considered acceptable in sports.

You dont lie sam? You dont argue for a Safe just to try to work the ump to get the next call? You dont work the umps, even if you know you are not correct.. and you have us lined up with personnal bottled water tenders to boot!?!? Are you St. Coach? You dont work the strike zone by comments to your batter and catcher, even if you know you are full of it?

Well thank you Sam!

All you need to do now is attend a rules clinic and you just might be the best coach ever :)
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by Ace » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:04 pm

MTR wrote:
Martin wrote:Is this board a place where umpires can teach a little? If so, perhaps we can cut the people who haven't been coaching for 100 years a little slack when they ask a question.

I'm sorry, did I move out of the US and not realize it? I didn't realize you were the opinion fairy.

Skarp voiced an opinion and perception. I posted an opinion from a different angle. If you have a problem with that, you may feel more comfortable in China. I understand they are accepting emigrants.

WOW what an AHole! And learn how to spell Jerk! Your the kind of umpire that just HAS to be involved in the game arent you! Your knowledge HAS to proven every seven innings doesnt it? You probably sit on the can every morning looking at the rule book for any obscure rule you can find, and then try to find any reason to enforce it! Quit umpiring you pompus jack ass. Or disapear into the flow of the game, and do your job. Nobody shows up to see you over the top exagerated double fisted punch out of every bang bang play during the game. Your have to ice your shoulder after 8u rec ball games dont you? Your an idiot. Do the softball comunity a favor, and buy yourself a glove and a bat and play the game instead of making yourself a part of it from behind your mask. You suck at playing the game so bad, you take it out on everyone with any talent. You are so horrible at teaching, or thinking for that matter, you win every argument with, "one more word and your outta here". God, I hope your not a cop. PLEASE tell me your power trip ends at the ball field, and that you are a lame ass ditch digger. Your probably some big baby arent you? The kind of bully that can lift a ton, but couldnt spell it! Or what, maybe your 5'6" and hate umping 14 and under cuz now even the girls are taller than you. Take up golf. Please. Idiot.
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by Ace » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:33 pm

Spazsdad wrote:Hey Ace, you don't have to worry about seeing Mikey, he is from the great bastion of ASA ball, the northeast

Northeast?! Just one more reason to fuel my hate at first sight for this moron! Just Cut yourself a hole in the ice, sit on your 12 pack of shlitz malt liquor, and hope you catch dinner before you run out of camel non filters, you know it all!
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by Sam » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:50 pm


You must have missed my posts about our game depending on umpires and how I respect what you and people like you do for our girls. Oh well.

I don't argue calls when I know I'm not right or don't at least think I'm right. I like having the game called by the book...which is why I "snivel" about IPs and OBS.

My posts have been about teaching coaches on this board, not during games. In games coaches are advocates for our are the judge. Judges don't teach during trials...but many of them lecture outside the courtroom. I am asking you guys to share your knowledge on the greatest medium to do on this board and other boards.

I learned how to manage my teams games by asking questions on the other board and getting schooled, very nicely, by guys like Tom Iceblue, SteveM, Hugo Tafurst, Andy, bluezebra, et al. I don't yell and scream and I've never cursed at an umpire (that he/she or anybody else could hear). I don't allow my parents to address umpires when they think we have had a bad call.

What you and Mike do on this board is cultivate a hatred for umpires because the coaches that frequent this board end up thinking you are the rule and not the exception....when the opposite is actually the reality.

Like I said before, I'm trying to help you guys.
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by wadeintothem » Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:37 pm

Sam wrote:Wade,

You must have missed my posts about our game depending on umpires and how I respect what you and people like you do for our girls. Oh well.

I don't argue calls when I know I'm not right or don't at least think I'm right. I like having the game called by the book...which is why I "snivel" about IPs and OBS.

My posts have been about teaching coaches on this board, not during games. In games coaches are advocates for our are the judge. Judges don't teach during trials...but many of them lecture outside the courtroom. I am asking you guys to share your knowledge on the greatest medium to do on this board and other boards.

I learned how to manage my teams games by asking questions on the other board and getting schooled, very nicely, by guys like Tom Iceblue, SteveM, Hugo Tafurst, Andy, bluezebra, et al. I don't yell and scream and I've never cursed at an umpire (that he/she or anybody else could hear). I don't allow my parents to address umpires when they think we have had a bad call.

What you and Mike do on this board is cultivate a hatred for umpires because the coaches that frequent this board end up thinking you are the rule and not the exception....when the opposite is actually the reality.

Like I said before, I'm trying to help you guys.

Sam, you were schooled mostly by mike and you know it. He probably taught you more than all of those guys put together...but now you dis him on the props? Thats lame. Some of us have been around though Sam, so we know.

This new umpire banner waver schtick of yours is a little bit gaggy bro, good for a slight chuckle. But at least a few are falling for it.

Thanks for helping the umpire community :roll:

I'm not worried about cultivating anything here.. because there is place where you get told how it really is... and its on message boards. The warm fluffy "I understand what you are saying coach, I saw it a little differently now lets play ball", speaking perfectly, placating your absurdity .. well you get that between the chalk lines. Between the chalk lines I'll feed you all the lines.. I'll talk into my score card so I dont offend your delicate sensibilities or appear to show you up, lest I have to dump you.. but here, you get whats what.

But I will answer the questions here, I've never dissed the parent who posted the OP.. only the lazy idiot coach the OP posted about. You rode in on your white horse to protect the idiot. Thats on you.

You are a mid level TB coach Sam, The reality is your opinion on umpiring means that much. The opinion of a midlevel TB coach. Can you guess what 99 out of 100 umpires in a room would think about what you think about our profession?

It is a non issue. Wear the blue.. your DD has got to be close to 18 now. Let her go, and come on over to this side, you might have worthwhile opinion. Come "help" umpires.
Last edited by wadeintothem on Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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