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Obstruction Rule? (revised title)

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by BallsInComingDown » Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:37 pm

Had to revise my title because I apparently offended someone....
But anyway:

Twice in a recent game, we were playing an inexperienced team (young), and our runners got "thrown out" stealing second. I say "thrown out" loosely because the SS completely blocked their path (set up shop right in front of 2nd base on one knee) to the base and our runners couldn't even get to the bag. It's happened on another occasion too and the blue told us that SS arrived their first. Well, no crap! she only had to run five steps to get there!

I was told the rule was you have to catch the ball outside the base path and tag inside. In other words, catch first, get into tagging position second...

This rule is huge for a team like ours who runs quite a bit. It doesn't make sense to give the defense the advantage of blocking the base or homeplate and not protect the baserunner who is supposed to slide... Don't know about you but sliding into a brick wall doesn't sound like much fun... We would hate to resort to having our players going "Hines Ward" on the opposing SS or catcher for that matter but a couple frustrated girls have already mentioned that's what they want to do because they are not being protected AND getting banged up in the process...

Blues need to make sure they know the rules or else players get hurt. Don't think it's asking alot for a person making $40/hr+ to supposedly keep the game safe and under control... In the above instance either the coaches don't know the rule and that's how they teach their SS not knowing OR they know that the blue isn't going to call it so they teach the SS that way anyway... I know the Blues are only human, but a rule is a rule... and usually rules are made to protect all players.
Last edited by BallsInComingDown on Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by wadeintothem » Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:17 pm

I dont know if the calls were right or wrong, the only thing that is for sure is that you dont have a clue about rules. You misstate obs and you have no clue about a "slide rule". Since that is the case, I doubt you would know whether the calls were right or wrong. You lack the rule knowledge to know.
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by BallsInComingDown » Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:45 pm

wadeintothem wrote:I dont know if the calls were right or wrong, the only thing that is for sure is that you dont have a clue about rules. You misstate obs and you have no clue about a "slide rule". Since that is the case, I doubt you would know whether the calls were right or wrong. You lack the rule knowledge to know.

Then I don't know the rule prick... Seemed obvious when it happened, don't have to know the rules to know what the hell they were doing was not a legitimate way to make the tag... I guess when we asked the home plate ump and he agreed with us, along with the fans in the stand (reaction), we all just "lack the rule knowedge to know" as you would say.

If the rule states that you can stand in front of 2nd base and block the runner from getting there, then I guess you're right.

Totally just a scenario/question... Didn't realize the all-knowing King Asshat would respond first....
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by wadeintothem » Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:09 pm

You are correct, you dont know the rule... lucky for you, you admit you dont have too. I imagine that wont stop you from (sour grapes?) whimpering though.

If you would like to be educated, and other than your rhetorical bs sniveling "Do Umpires Truly Understand the Obstruction Rule?".... What is your question?

Dont run away, post your question.
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by BallsInComingDown » Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:14 pm

wadeintothem wrote:You are correct, you dont know the rule... lucky for you, you admit you dont have too. I imagine that wont stop you from (sour grapes?) whimpering though.

If you would like to be educated, and other than your rhetorical bs sniveling "Do Umpires Truly Understand the Obstruction Rule?".... What is your question?

Dont run away, post your question.

I did ask a question... Do Umpires really Understand the Obstruction Rule? And I'll ask you another one: Why are you getting so defensive? How about one more: Are you a Blue (or sleeping with one)? Obviously, the one at our game didn't know the rule, especially if his own partner said he made a bad call. Or maybe his partner didn't know the rule. I was just wondering if there are any checks and balancess, any way of reinforcing what is and isn't obstruction. I believe my concern was for girls getting hurt, which I thought is a valid point. BTW We still won the game pretty handily, no sour grapes here...It's not that serious. Don't understand why you got so defensive... But whatever, it's obvious you are an umpire and I struck a nerve. Must be you in the pic... And I thought that pic was of your DD's nice stroke.... :lol:
Last edited by BallsInComingDown on Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Patrick » Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:38 pm

YOU called HIM a PRICK. All I see is some lurker looking to bash umpires. Not someone looking get a question answered.
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by BallsInComingDown » Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:54 pm

Patrick wrote:YOU called HIM a PRICK. All I see is some lurker looking to bash umpires. Not someone looking get a question answered.

You're right, I did call him a prick. I apologize. It was just the first thing that came to mind when I read his post.

It was an honest to goodness question. Maybe I should have said "Do ALL Umpires Have the SAME Understanding of the Obstruction Rule?" not to offend those who do.

Not trying to bash umpires, I don't mind umpires at all (most). I'm not so sure, though, that all umpires have the same knowledge of the rules as others which makes for inconsistent game calling.
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by MTR » Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:38 pm

Somethings you should understand:

There is no rule forbidding a defender from standing in the baseline, basepath or blocking a base.

The rule prohibits the defense from hindering or impeding a runner's progress without possession of the ball or not in the act of fielding a batted ball. It is purely umpire judgment. What you or anyone else believe is irrelevant.

If your runner doesn't hesitate and the defender receives the ball prior to contact, it is a good play and most likely not OBS.
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by wadeintothem » Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:06 pm

BallsInComingDown wrote:I did ask a question... Do Umpires really Understand the Obstruction Rule?

Yes, every single umpire, including those working winter 10/12U B/rec ball, understands the obs rule. :roll:

Don't understand why you got so defensive... But whatever, it's obvious you are an umpire andI struck a nerve. Must be you in the pic... And I thought that pic was of your DD's nice stroke.... :lol:
And you must be a genius.
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by watcher » Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:41 pm

Hey, Look at the cute puppy..... :mrgreen:
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