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The Umpire Corner

LL - that darn "presenting the ball"

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by Tucson » Tue May 20, 2008 1:09 pm

One of my 8 YO students was called for an illegal pitch last night. It is LL. She plays ages 8-11.

The opposing 1st base coach called time out and told this 8 YO that she wasn't coming set and that she was throwing an illegal pitch. My student approaches the rubber with her hands apart, she touches the ball to the glove and she pitches.

The umpire had no idea what was going on, so he was talked into calling illegal pitch.

My complaint is more about 4 adults surrounding an 8 YO and discussing her pitching during the game, than about whether she was hesitating for a full 1 sec. (2 umpires, the opposing coach and the girl's own coach.)

What does LL say about hesitation and what do you think about how it was handled?
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by wadeintothem » Tue May 20, 2008 6:18 pm

8 y/o ball is too young for umpires. IMO, that shouldnt start until 10U.
Especially if you are using "so called" umpires.

What is the point of even having one, let alone 2?!!

Thats what I think of the situation.
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