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cmon blue

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by Iluvblue » Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:25 am

what does morals and beliefs have to do with breaking the law? Im pretty sure that being ass naked in public is not legal?
Hilarious example you have there.

And the other person telling me to grow a pair?? That is exactly the mentality that ends up with the hockey dad incident. he grew a pair and made sure to let the other guy know what he thought.
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by MTR » Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:44 pm

Iluvblue wrote:what does morals and beliefs have to do with breaking the law?

My 11 yo GD would

Im pretty sure that being ass naked in public is not legal?
Hilarious example you have there.

What are you saying now? Was the guy naked or did you just see his cheeks?

Wish you would get your story straight.
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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:21 am

by Anti-Clone » Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:35 pm

Iluvblue wrote:I am so not politically correct that I have to be really careful nowadays to not say what i really think in many cases.

Go look at the fortune cookie thing right now with Jeremy Lin. I think it is damn funny, but yet some fool will probably lose his job over it because you cant say or think anything that is not PC.

But I dont see how ANYONE can possibly defend what this guy did. Are my kids traumatized? Uhmmm , NO. But that isnt the point. If some gang banger was in the parking lot changing and his ass was hanging out, you'd blast him. The reasons the guy was changing and was butt naked does not matter. The restroom was a much more appropriate place... PERIOD.

If the coach was doing the same thing, youd say that was uncalled for.

No one should be naked in a parking lot. It's absurd to think otherwise. It's also potentially illegal.

With that said, getting dressed/equipped in most bathrooms is demeaning and difficult. I don't need to balance my mask on a hand dryer while hopping on one leg trying to put on a sock and not step in urine splatter with the other.

Shame on the school. The school should be reported to the NCAA. Maybe the umpires should stand united and not go to the school until they have proper changing facilities.
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Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:04 pm


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