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NFHS Rule change 'inside the box '

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by GIMNEPIWO » Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:34 pm

Even though I'll be coaching again through the HS season ... I still went to the local NFHS Umpires rules clinic and paid my fee ... Signing up late I did not receive the rule book yet ... There is a new rule or clarification about being ' inside' the batters box at the start of the pitch ... Our UIC is interpreting that to mean completely inside the chalked lines with no part of the foot touching the chalked line ... Not having the book to read - I questioned whether it meant that no part of the foot could be touching the ground over the chalked line ... My rationale being that you are not 'out of the box ' unless your entire part of your foot that is touching the ground has to be over the line in order to be considered out .. Reversing that, does the new rule mean that in order to be 'completely inside the box' that no part of your foot can be over the line even if part of it is touching the line ?
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by Comp » Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:42 pm

I believe the rule they are citing is not really a new rule, and if they are telling you the batter cant touch the lines they would be mistaken in their interpretation.

7-3-1 is the rule I think they are citing.

A batter shall not delay the game by failing to promptly take her position with both feet completely inside the batters box within 10 seconds after the ball is returned to the pitcher to prepare for the next pitch, or by stepping out of the box when the pitcher is on the pitchers plate. (the area I have bolded is shaded in the rule book)

I can see where just reading this they my interpret it as having to be inside the lines. However, rule 2-6 reads as follows:

The batters box is the area, including the lines, in which the batter is positioned when batting, as shown in figure 1-2. (I have bolded this to point out the rule specifically includes the lines as part of the box)

All rule sets I am aware of include the lines as part of the batters box. The feet may be on the line prior to the pitch, but no part of the foot may be across the line. If you get an umpire telling you otherwise you can always protest if you feel the need.
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by Comp » Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:44 pm

I just found where they got it from. In the preseason softball guide that was handed out on page 5 it lists editorial changes. One of these is 7-3-1. It talks about batters delaying the game by standing with 1 foot out of the box while taking signals and continuing to do so after the pitcher has the ball back in the circle. They have reworded the rule with regard to delaying the game.

Rule 2-6 still defines the batters box which includes the lines. Being "completely within" would in fact include having a foot or feet on the line, but not extending past the line.
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