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Alcohol and Umpires

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by Shortbilled Cap » Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:33 am

Oh,, geez you have to be kidding.. I have umped throughout So Cal for a long, long time and I have seen several umps who are drunk off of their butts.. I worked with one guy who would always want to work his last games of the day on the bags so he could put his sunglasses on and close his eyes.. and do not think there are not as many umps who come out of their cars with a huge collection of smoke coming from their car reminding you of a Cheech and Chong movie.. It is difficult to turn your partner in, but I have done it.
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by wadeintothem » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:31 pm

Shortbilled Cap wrote:Oh,, geez you have to be kidding.. I have umped throughout So Cal for a long, long time and I have seen several umps who are drunk off of their butts.. I worked with one guy who would always want to work his last games of the day on the bags so he could put his sunglasses on and close his eyes.. and do not think there are not as many umps who come out of their cars with a huge collection of smoke coming from their car reminding you of a Cheech and Chong movie.. It is difficult to turn your partner in, but I have done it.

I sure wouldnt have any problem turning them in to may association at all. I would nail them the first time.

That is disgraceful.

I rarely drink, but there is a time and a place for that cold one.. and if you must, its after the game. I've never seen drug use by an umpire. If I did, their @ss would be the grass.
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by wadeintothem » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:35 pm

I'll take that back about never seen it.. we had a new ump and he was obviously all methed out (or something! definately tweaking). And our Association DUIC paid him his game fee and he was gone. He was a filthy individual who did not last long. I think a couple of games by the time word got to the DUIC. I did not work with him, but he was in the same tourney as me.
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