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The Umpire Corner

Umpire Part Of The Field???

Rule question? Get it answered here.

by kl43dad » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:07 pm

We had a situation this last weekend in a 12u Championship game that I have a question on.

Runners on 2nd and 3rd, ball hit to left field. Runner on 3rd takes off home, the ball is thrown home the umpire in the field runs forward to view the play at home. On the throw the runner on 2b heads to 3b, The runner at home is safe, The umpire then runs backwards through the baseline to get a view of the play at 3b as our runner is going to 3b. He runs into the runner sending her flying. The runner is unable to get up to get to the base after getting rolled by a 6 ft 2 240lbs man. The field umpire is leveled and on the ground as well, the opposing coach had their player go over and step on 3b then realizing it is a tag has the player tag the runner while she is laying on the ground at which time the home plate umpire called the runner out for the 3rd out of the inning as she was unable to get up. After a few minutes we were able to get the player up and to the dugout where after another couple of minutes she was fine and was able to hit the pitchers mound to start the next inning. We never argued the call under the thought that the umpire is part of the field. I have since been told this would not apply in this situation.

So to my question, If the base runner gets taken out by the umpire and is unable to get up to continue, would this still fall into the umpire is part of the field rule?
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by Comp » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:31 pm

Based on your description the umpire was doing alot of running places he shouldnt have been and was out of position. But, that being said, the umpires are part of the field and other than being hit by a batted ball before it passes an infielder, or the plate umpire hindering the catcher on a throw attempt it is simply play on. The call of out on the tag of the runner was correct.
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by GIMNEPIWO » Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:59 pm

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