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The Umpire Corner

U Trip rule differneces ?

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by GIMNEPIWO » Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:25 am

Anti-Clone wrote:INITIAL PLAY. A fielder is considered to be making an initial play on a fair batted
ball when he has a reasonable chance to gain control of a ground ball that no
other fielder (except the pitcher) has touched or a reasonable chance to catch
the ball in flight after it touches another fielder. The fielder is still considered
to be making an initial play if he fails to gain control of the batted ground ball
and is within a step and a reach (in any direction) of the spot of the initial

Under "definitions" and applicable to interference/obstruction.

Thanks, got it
"For the strength of the pack is the wolf, the strength of the wolf is the pack" Rudyard Kipling
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