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The Umpire Corner

Balls & Strikes: Right vs. Left Hand?

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by PDad » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:25 pm

Battle wrote:
PDad wrote:
Battle wrote:
AlwaysImprove wrote:Asking every once in a while is fine. Asking all the time, it is clear you are either distracted, unable to follow the flow of the game, or just not that good of a softball person. All of those reflect badly on you as coach.

All of the coaches I know that coach ahead of the game, always know the count. All of the coaches I know that chase the game, are always asking for the count. It is definitely one of the key indicators of a quality game coach vs a less capable game coach.
Very interesting observation, although I can't recall anyone always asking the ump for the count.

That's true and I agree but most of the time it's just a request and that''s it. Out of the great coaches I know, all of them loose the count every once in a while or they are just wanting to confirm. ....

Confirming the count is understandable after a steal or pick-off throw where it's hard to tell what the umpire called on the pitch or when the umpire seems to indicate a different count. As for all the great coaches you know losing track of the count, all I can say is... uh... hmm... never mind, I lost track of what was I going to say...

Now I know 2 great coaches. Your trollology is improving to catch the "All the great...". That usually gets by you but not this time. :lol:

Well, you teed it up pretty good. I only caught it because it was within a somewhat interesting and useful post that was worthy of a reply, as opposed to the usual drivel that we just skim over and ignore. I was wondering who posted it and what happened to Battle, but now I see you're back. :lol:
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by GIMNEPIWO » Fri May 02, 2014 6:42 pm

rfmnz wrote:Shouldn't Ump's always show balls using right hand and strikes using left (people read left to right)?..

It's a pet peeve of mine that ump's at my league always do it reverse :/

If ALL the Umps in your league are doing this ... I would suggest that perhaps when you are looking at them from the third base coaches box that you realize that when they hold up their left hand, it's on your right and visa versa :lol:
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