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How to Call This?

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by CoachKari » Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:51 pm

A runner on second base scores on a hit to left. The throw from left goes over the catcher. After the runner from second crosses home plate, the ball bounces off the backstop and the runner, who has now scored, swats the live ball with her hand back into the field of play.

How does the umpire rule on this? Thanks :)
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by MTR » Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:07 pm

CoachKari wrote:A runner on second base scores on a hit to left. The throw from left goes over the catcher. After the runner from second crosses home plate, the ball bounces off the backstop and the runner, who has now scored, swats the live ball with her hand back into the field of play.

How does the umpire rule on this? Thanks :)

The ball is dead the moment the player hits the ball. If the umpire rules INT, the runner closest to home is ruled out. All action prior to the point that the player contacted the ball stands.
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by UmpSteve » Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:43 pm

MTR wrote:
CoachKari wrote:A runner on second base scores on a hit to left. The throw from left goes over the catcher. After the runner from second crosses home plate, the ball bounces off the backstop and the runner, who has now scored, swats the live ball with her hand back into the field of play.

How does the umpire rule on this? Thanks :)

The ball is dead the moment the player hits the ball. If the umpire rules INT, the runner closest to home is ruled out. All action prior to the point that the player contacted the ball stands.

Added to the above, to clarify the "If the umpire rules INT" thought process.

You didn't state where the batter-runner was at the time of the already-scored runner contact. If the umpire judges there was any possible play for the defense to make an out on that batter-runner (or any other runner; not sure from your play, there might be another runner that started on 1st), then he must rule interference. And, as MTR stated, the runner closest to home is out (a runner that has already scored cannot be out).

If the umpire judges there was no play to be made (batter-runner and any other possible runner standing on a base, and no further attempt made), then it is just a dead ball, and no further advance can be made. If a runner is even one step short of a next base, but umpire rules no interference, the runner must return to the last base reached at the time of the blocked ball.
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