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FMS For Athletes/ Softball Players!

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by Combine360 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:36 pm

Functional Movement Screen for Athletes

Functional Movement Screens is a battery of screens that help to both prevent non-contact injuries and facilitate more effective training techniques. Once you discover an athlete’s weakness or limitation, you can then develop a corrective exercise program to help the athlete perform at a higher and more productive level as well as reduce the risk of non-contact injuries.

By performing the FMS, you can quickly ascertain potential risk when an athlete’s movement patterns are limited or altered. These patterns often go undetected in conventional training. You can also use the screen to refine training based information.

The FMS can help athletes in many different ways. This simple screening tool provides the most fundamental and primary information needed when working with athletes. There is a total of 7 tests with 3 being the best you can get for each of the 7 tests. How close are you to a perfect score? What is your score?

Benefits of Utilizing the Functional Movement Screen and Exercise Philosophy

Creates a functional baseline to mark progress.

Improves functional fitness and athletic performance.

Helps to reduce the potential for training and sports injuries.

Provides a simple grading system to assess movement patterns.

Identifies physical imbalances, limitations, and weaknesses.

Improves fundamental movement patterns with simple corrective exercises.

Helps to individualize training and conditioning programs for specific results.

“Working on any other part of the chain will not change the strength of the chain.”

Some Athletic Misconceptions:

Weakest link is found in a movement pattern…not in anatomy.

Performance vs. durability, not always the biggest or strongest, most fit symmetry, mobility, stability…more durable!

once you discover an athletes weakness or limitation, you can then develop a corrective exercise program to help the athlete perform at a higher and more productive level as well as reduce the risks of non-contact injuries.

We need to stop allowing our kids, athletes (and ourselves.) to just accept the "cookie cutter" training and "YouTube" type exercises that alot of uninformed trainers and facilities are promoting.

It's not a one size fits all, type of training that we should accept. Bottom line, if you're not assessing then you're guessing and thats not what we want for our athletes (or ourselves.) Please forward this to other coaches and parents because when we know better, we must do better.


BOTTOM LINE! If your children's training doesn't involve some sort of a quality assessment, you are throwing your money away! Instead of just looking at a facility that has "pretty" equipment, or an ex-athlete who just because they played may have absolutely ZERO knowledge of the body, compensations, weak links, energy leaks, or just looking at drills from youtube...please make sure they are qualified! After all, whats more important than the health and well being of your kids. Please feel free to call with any questions, and if you're not in our area let us help you find someone near you who is qualified to take your daughters to the next level. 626-422-9042

***Discounts available for High School and College Athletes***
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Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:09 pm

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