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Little League Shoulder

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by Sbisacrazylife » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:58 pm

I was hoping for some advise. My daughter is a catcher and was dx with lil league shoulder by in September. Since we play Travel ball we have kept her off the field since mid December- and even then she was basically just batting and playing 1base. (we wanted to move her back into catching slowly). It is now april and she has been catching a lot more. Even times where she has to perform 3 games back to back, which I really try and avoid :?

the question I have Is, how long does the actuall recovery take? She still at times complains of a pinching sensation, so then I have the coach pull her. Should I go back again for a third MRI?? I feel like she is so afraid to, to give it all she has, due to her past injury. How do I help her out in this situation?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated :roll:

Thank you very much
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