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South Carolina to Lower Confederate Flag

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by blackwidow » Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:44 am

I am quoting a fictitious book that was required reading in HS. Unlike you, it's not my Bible. Amazing how fiction is becoming fact.

Good one.

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by blackwidow » Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:33 am

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by rlblue82 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:27 am

This is good news! There shouldn't be any symbols of hatred and racism displayed on government grounds outside of museums.
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by jonriv » Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:08 am

Spazsdad wrote:
rlblue82 wrote:This is good news! There shouldn't be any symbols of hatred and racism displayed on government grounds outside of museums.

Perhaps you should study a little history. :roll:
I guess we should abolish the American flag since it flew over northern states that had slaves .
Try getting your info from sources other than the lame stream media.

Perhaps Spaz you are the one who should read history :? The Confederate Battle Flag started showing up at Southern State Houses as a protest against desegregation. They were put up at a time of fierce racism, Jim Crow and Poll taxes that prevented blacks from voting and participating in Government. Many of the Confederate Statues etc went up at the beginning of the 20th century as southern democrats showed their power in a post reconstruction south. The staues were to sen a message to show who was in charge again.

The Confederate battle flag represents many thing to many people- ranging from Southern pride to blatant racism. I would submit that most who fly it or display it do not even know its true symbolism. That flag has no place over government buildings. It certainly has a place at historical sites, memorials and museums. It should not be banned nor should confederate soldiers graves be moved. The flag should be used as teaching tool. It represents a terrible yet important part of our history. My son goes to Gettysburg College and everytime I go there I am reminded of the sacrifice and waste of lives that was brought by what that flag symbolized.

The Confederacy was a feudal society with a landed nobility that was sustained on the backs of the labor of slaves and poor tenant farmers. Most of those killed on the Confederate side were poor farmers that were fighting for a system that exploited them almost as much as the slaves. The Confederacy lost, the Union prevailed and we are better off because of it and its time.

Also, to compare the American Flag to the Confederate flag is just silly
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by jonriv » Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:13 am ... e-flag.htm

An excellent essay and should be required reading for everyone. It really shows why there this flag represents different things to different people
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by rlblue82 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:24 am

Spazsdad wrote:
rlblue82 wrote:This is good news! There shouldn't be any symbols of hatred and racism displayed on government grounds outside of museums.

Perhaps you should study a little history. :roll:
I guess we should abolish the American flag since it flew over northern states that had slaves .
Try getting your info from sources other than the lame stream media.


I’m educated and well-studied in American history. To start, the battle flag of Virginia is one of two of the most recognizable racist symbols in America. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center over 500 white supremacist groups use the confederate flag as symbol for what they stand for. Why is this you ask? Is it because over 500 racist organizations have banned together in an attempt to misappropriate a symbol of righteousness? NO! They chose both wisely and precisely, a symbol that already represents many of the ideas they stand for!

Historically, the Confederate flag slowly but surely began to disappear as a celebrated symbol shortly after the Civil War. It was brought back into prominence during the Civil rights movement. During a time of people doing “sit ins” at restaurants, colleges and Universities being integrated, and people demanding an end to separate but equal [unequal]. Can you guess the reason the Confederate flag started to be flown again around this time? I can!

If you don’t believe me that the Confederate flag is a symbol of hatred, feel free to read the words of the Confederates themselves?

"As a people, we are fighting to maintain the heaven ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause."
-William T. Thompson [creator of the Confederate flag]

“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world.”
-Mississippi articles of secession
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by Pale Rider » Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:06 am

All these things you describe, were true enough ...Jim Crow, Poll taxes...were created NATIONALLY by Democrats...use of Southern is out of context...Same NATIONAL Democrats who vehemently opposed the Civil Rights Act...
You also use words from the man who designed the Confederate flag...which is not the flag in question...
Granted some bad organizations use the Battle Flag...some use the rainbow flag...both I find offensive, but I served 30 yrs. for their right to have their opinions...

Note the differences in this article, which says what LOCAL people saw, and reported on TV
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by jonriv » Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:33 am

Pale, the heat must be getting to you. Jim Crow and poll taxes were not national issues. They were imposed by state, southern states run by southern democrats( republicans were the party of Lincoln and reconstruction)

People have the right to display the confederate battle flag, but it has no place any near a state capital
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by as the world turns » Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:45 pm

Sounds like the Democrats just want to get rid of the evidence of their past.
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by rlblue82 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:38 pm

jonriv wrote:Pale, the heat must be getting to you. Jim Crow and poll taxes were not national issues. They were imposed by state, southern states run by southern democrats( republicans were the party of Lincoln and reconstruction)

People have the right to display the confederate battle flag, but it has no place any near a state capital

Jonriv, I agree with you 100% on this post. There seems to be some people confusing opinion with fact in this thread. :D
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