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by Dugout Dad » Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:55 pm

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)

You can understand capitalism when you realize that Thomas Edison improved the world more than Karl Marx
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by blackwidow » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:43 pm


I will let Hamas answer for Hamas

If you support war, ethnic cleansing, colonial occupation, collective punishment and genocide just say so and be done with it. Then at least we can start from an honest perspective. ... 87994.html

Simply look at a map of historical Israel/Palestine; it shows that an immigrant population of eastern European settlers is systematically removing the indigenous population of Palestine/Israel from the land. Israel is not being “pushed into the sea” they are doing the pushing.
With all the fervor and uproar over illegal immigration in this country I would think THAT ONE FACT would place any alleged conservative firmly on the side of the Palestinians who are trying to protect what remains of their land from infiltration by a foreign immigrants.
Try to take a moment to think about what you would do in their situation. ... he-israeli

Hamas does not have a tank, a helicopter, a jet, a drone a bulldozer. They have a meager arsenal of homemade and smuggled small weapons. And lots of rubble to throw. ... otostream/
By contrast Israel is widely considered the 4th largest military power in the world. They have nuclear weapons. They are not signatories to the non-proliferation treaty. Sponsored almost entirely by yours and my tax dollars. What are we getting for our money? Genocide. FUN FACT: Iran has signed the NPT. ... 9_2014.pdf

If I have not already provided enough credible first person accounts of the facts on the ground…here is another
and another
and another
and another

The narrative has been controlled…that’s why people who are interested in a deeper look into the conflict have a long way to go and a lot of reading to do before they draw their conclusions. I hope that the readers of this board will do that research.

Finkelstein dismantles Zionist Wolf Blitzer

One of the most curious things about the so-called conservatives on this board is their commitment to calling anti war activists’ liberals. The root is conserve…verb (used with object), prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of:
2. To use or manage wisely; preserve; save:
How is war, mass killings, destruction of property and critical infrastructures conservative by any stretch of the definition of the word.

And regarding the red herring called ISIS. American Intervention in the Middle East caused ISIS. We are responsible for turning entire countries to rubble. What does a rational thinking person believe is going to happen when a country is dismantled by war? Who benefited from it?
I know I didn’t but I am paying for it. And my children are, and yours are too.

Written in 2003 regarding the Iraq war but simply replace the word Iraq with Iran now and the song remains the same. ... whose-war/

The women’s rights issue is also a red herring. “Our allies” the Saudis `chop peoples heads off and oppress women. If you really care about women’s rights you could start at home in your own country. There are plenty of women’s issues here to be solved before we go telling other countries how to manage themselves.
**Note the Saudis are not my allies. I didn’t choose them. I wouldn’t choose them and resent that they have been chosen on my behalf.

Lastly, any self-proclaimed conservative who decries socialism yet supports Israel is only fooling himself or herself. Israel is as socialist as it gets and is free to practice their socialism at the expense of the American taxpayer. ... israel-bad

PDAD should change his avatar. George Carlin would be rolling in his grave.

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by PDad » Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:06 pm

BW, I hope that wasn't supposed to answer my questions for you, because it didn't answer any. Please answer these questions so we can gain insights into your unexpressed thoughts.

- What do you think of Fatah and Hamas? Tell us which one you most identify with and why.

- What do you think of the Palestinian unity government? Is it still intact or not?

- What do you think of all the ethnic cleansing that has taken place in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq? It is still occurring and I presume you're opposed to it. What, if anything, should be done about it?

- What do you think about the Sunni-Shiite conflict that is playing out in conflicts across the Mideast? How should it be resolved?

I want to hear it in your own words, so don't respond with just a bunch of links because I won't open them if you do.
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by blackwidow » Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:19 pm

Those are my own words.
I am sorry that you are missing the points being made.
I will give your questions some more thought and see if I can make it simpler for you to understand.
tata for now.


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by Dugout Dad » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:29 pm

BW, you never mention anything about all the Christians being slaughtered by muslims worldwide. Just earlier this month. Why??

Muslims Kill 147 Christians In Kenyan University Attack

The mastermind of the attack seems to be wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh rag on his head. Hmmm??

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)

You can understand capitalism when you realize that Thomas Edison improved the world more than Karl Marx
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by blackwidow » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:00 pm

What do you think of Fatah and Hamas? Tell us which one you most identify with and why.

I don’t think anything of Hamas or Fatah other than they are the democratically elected governments of their people. Gaza and West Bank respectively. I don’t identify with either group per se. I identify with the bigger ideal of treating people equally. I believe it is impossible at this point for there to be a 2 state solution because the Israeli Settlements have infiltrated so deeply into the West Bank that it will be impossible for them to be removed. Therefore the only solution in my mind is a one state solution with equal rights for all citizens of Israel/Palestine.
That would mean Israel can no longer treat Arabs as second class citizens. No more separate Jewish only roads, Jewish only apartment complexes Jewish only neighborhoods. That would mean adopting a meaningful CONSTITUTION that allows for the equality of all the people in the land. Israel does not want that AND they don’t want to withdraw their people to the internationally recognized borders.

What do you think of the Palestinian unity government?

I wish they were unified.
Is it still intact or not?

According to recent reports from JPOST and Ynet the Unity government is not very unified, unfortunately it is the Palestinian people who suffer from their lack of leadership.

What do you think of all the ethnic cleansing that has taken place in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq?

I think that the ethnic cleansing being done is due to the balkanization of the entire middle east according to the Greater Israel Project. It started with a white paper by Oded Yinon called A Strategy for Israel in the 1980’s.
THEN Dual citizen Israeli-Americans Richard Perle, Doug Feith, and David Wurmser wrote a paper for Benjamin Netanyahu called “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.”
These 2 important papers outline Israeli strategic thinking ...….the fragmenting of the Arab States into smaller units… exactly what is happening now with the help of the United States military and the war on terror.

It is still occurring and I presume you're opposed to it. What, if anything, should be done about it.

It may be too late. It’s a plan was created for the reasons stated in the Yinon Plan and the Clean Break Strategy.
In addition:
One last policy paper written by Dual Israeli-American citizen Paul Wolfowitz and Scooter Libby called the Defense Planning Guidance is the capstone of Israeli strategic thinking brought to American defense policy.

What do you think about the Sunni-Shiite conflict that is playing out in conflicts across the Mideast? How should it be resolved? See above answer. And stop arming them all. ... tates.html

Dugout Dad..yet another red herring. Really?
Why don't you start a thread about it and we can have a discussion? I would be happy to join in that one if you want.

Can we return to that now?
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by Sid Barrett » Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:22 am

your description of ISIS as a “red herring” is not simply inaccurate but most likely reckless. ISIS is actually THE truest example of what the embodiment of this issue is. ISIS, like Al Qaeda before them, or Abu Nidal or the Arab League or the Muslim Brotherhood, are all incarnations of Political Islam, each manifestation more radical than the previous.
If you examine Islam not as a religion, but for what it functionally is, a political movement, its development, its goals, its philosophy are actually quite simple to comprehend.
The initial incarnation, the Muslim Brotherhood, was created in the 1920s as a means to power project Political Islam, because the actual Islamic Caliphate controlled by the Ottoman Empire was militarily defeated a few years earlier in WWI and ceased to exist. The concept and brand of the Brotherhood has morphed over the last 80 plus years, but it is not a mistake that the latest incarnation of Political Islam, aka ISIS, actually refers to themselves as “The Caliphate” and their leader, “The Caliph.”
The U.S. supports Israel because they are not Political Islam, (unlike the PLO-Hamas-Islamic Jihad-Al Aqsa etc.). The U.S. supports states like Jordan or the current government in Egypt because they (at least publicly) are not Political Islam. The Saudi Kingdom my pretend not to be Political Islam….but we should know better. Political Islam is, was and always will be the enemy of the West (which includes the United States) and has demonstrated it on a continuous basis for over 1500 years…and I dare you to prove otherwise.
The true “red herring” is to boil the entire Palestinian conflict down to it being nothing more than a Jewish land grab and post links about how dishonorable or evil the Jews are for killing innocent Palestinians civilians. That conflict is but one small piece to a much larger Pan-Islamic issue.
If you wish to discuss “red herrings,” I would be more than pleased to discuss the merits of your rose filled vision of peace and prosperity for all, particularly if it involves a "constitution" and any Islamic –based government. Zionism and Christian-based Zionism are merely reactions to Political Islam. They might not be the best solution….but are definitely better than any fate that awaits us kafirs.
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by Safebyahare » Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:28 am

I made it though 1hr 45min of the 4hr. 30min worth of video links you offered up before shackling myself to cinder blocks and going for a swim. I also read the links and what they offered. (curl up in fetal position and think happy thoughts.)

JMHO BW you make your most compelling arguments and best posts when you use your own words and thoughts with out links. I don't know if this influenced me because I viewed the links before your personal post.
You are consistent in your humanitarian police state views both foreign and domestic. For that credit is due.

I still am not convinced of your foreign argument, for example the word 'occupy' is still used in a hostile manner.

Palestine was never a state or country, they are Jordanians and Egyptians.

With the size of Israel, and who they are surrounded by, they must be a semi police state for self preservation , it is not a one sided thing, all their people participate in the defense of their country. .

(bck 2 wrk)

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by Dugout Dad » Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:10 pm

blackwidow wrote:Dugout Dad..yet another red herring. Really?

These events are not mutually exclusive. There is one HUGE common denominator - I'll let you figure it out.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)

You can understand capitalism when you realize that Thomas Edison improved the world more than Karl Marx
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by rlblue82 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:58 pm

Sam wrote:
blackwidow wrote:Rapture Ready Christians United for Israel

How Israeli propaganda endangers Jews

Does Netanyahu speak for all Jews?

Recently, self-proclaimed Jewish leaders launched a provocative campaign of newspaper advertisements regarding the policies of the American administration on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Perhaps some are left with the impression that these individuals indeed represent American Jewry.
The fact is, they represent only themselves.
We, traditional Torah Jews, are distressed and appalled by these ads, as well as by the Zionists' tactic of abusing American Jewry to advance their agenda. Therefore, we hereby publicize the following facts:
Fact: Zionism is not Judaism.
The Zionist ideology is fundamentally anti-Torah. Zionism has not only denied the fundamental Jewish belief in Heavenly Redemption; it has created a pseudo-Judaism which replaces the Torah with nationalism.
Thus, the State of Israel cannot – and should not – claim to represent worldwide Jewry, nor should the Zionist State be identified as a Jewish State.
Certain groups may argue that Jerusalem is “higher than politics.” However, according to the Torah, Jerusalem has no relation to politics at all. The holiness of Jerusalem is divine and does not depend on who governs it.
True Torah Jews are outraged by this ongoing ploy, in which the Zionists attempt to create the impression that the holy Torah is behind their hard-line, nationalistic goals. It is not!
Fact: Traditional Jews are loyal to the United States government.
At the time of the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of the Jewish People, the great Biblical prophet Jeremiah proclaimed G-d’s message to all Jews: “Seek out the welfare of the city to which I have exiled you, and pray for it to G-d, for through its welfare will you have welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:7) For millennia, this has been a cornerstone of Jewish conduct.
As American Jews, we pray for the wellbeing and prosperity of the government of the United States of America, headed by Honorable President Barack Obama.
And of course, we continue to pray for the safety and wellbeing of Jews all over the world, including those in the Holy Land.
The blurring of the boundary between Judaism and Zionism jeopardizes the safety of Jews living all over the world, including our brethren in the Holy Land.

Real Torah Jews

Self-loathing liberal Jews won't be happy until Iran turns Jerusalem into glass.

This post sounds idiotic!
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