I give you this true story.
Years ago when I was going to college, back when I rode mountain bikes and had time on my side, I took Tae Kwon Doe classes in the rough side of the city. It was free for the most part, and I seemed to get in a lot of fights, losing most of them. So what better place to learn the art of self defense than the rough side of the city. I was getting better but as you know Tae Kwan Doe means kick punch block, Now my kicks were not as strong or as quick or just plain sloppy or unbalanced, so the instructor told me that I needed to work on my 'turn out' more and suggested taking a ballet class to help with this and gain more flexibility. So,,well I did.
It worked out well, it landed at noon between my other classes and met at least three times a week.
I never missed a class, there was only one other dude in the class a small asian kid who was into it, I just went for the stretching and did not mind being with all those gals. I didn't wear those ballet tights the instructor said bike shorts would be fine. All was good till,,,,the day of the final.
It seems there was a book that went with this class and I hadn't a clue.
The final day came and I was ready to do my final bit of stretching before getting some easy credits.
I walked in and they started handing out paper,,,"what is this?" I asked. It's the final exam. This final exam consisted of spelling all those french words and some other crap that I can't remember.
I failed the exam and the class and got zero units.
It's bad when someone fails,,,it's awesome when it's ballet. (my kick n attitude got better)