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12 Balls Puzzle

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by Safebyahare » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:00 pm

PDad wrote:
Safebyahare wrote:I really gave this problem deep thought for two days.
I kept having two balls felt, and did not know which was lighter or heavier.
I asked my wife for help. She looked in her purse. Then I told her the math problem.

I finally googled it. Even that took a bit to wrapped my head around it.

Who was feeling your balls? Why did your wife look in her purse instead of your pants?

Crap I have a typo 'felt' when I meant to type 'left'. :lol: I think it works out the same..
As for the purse part. I lock up my guns, I value them,,,she keeps me in line, I value them. ;)
We are a team.
Thank god I did not have three balls left,,,that would be a doctors appointment.

On a serious note,,,great math puzzle question.
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