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by Dugout Dad » Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:03 pm

BREAKING NEWS: Chicago Cubs are being forced to give up their World Series title.
Cleveland Indians fans have rioted across the country in protest of the 2016 World Series. Despite knowing the rules of the game prior to playing, they were unhappy they lost and demanded the outcome to be changed. They could be heard chanting #NotOurWorldSeriesChampion all across America.
Even though the Cubs won 4 games and the Indians only won 3, since both teams scored 27 total runs throughout all 7 games, they are being declared co-world champions.
When questioned, Commissioner Manfred stated, "We felt as though it was the right thing to do for the nation. What kind of example would Major League Baseball be setting if we expected the adults who play this game, and their fans, to gracefully accept defeat? Instead of creating a bigger divide between the Cubs and Indians, MLB is confident that the Cubs will gladly share their victory with the Indians."
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)

You can understand capitalism when you realize that Thomas Edison improved the world more than Karl Marx
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Dugout Dad
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