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16 & 18 Spring League instead of HS

by questionmark » Sun May 02, 2010 9:27 am

Just throwing this out ,I know alot of travel ball players are not happy with "High School" softball
Most of it is a waste of time, coaching is poor in most cases. Games are lopsided, players are not challenged. Yea, I know its a school pride thing, bla.. bla.. bla.. There is an answer for this travel ball teams need to express an interest in forming a spring league. Something like game days on saturdays only,maybe round robin format, something to have a level playing field instead of the blowouts suffered thru in HS. I know boys baseball is doing it down south in LA,so why not here for the girls? Maybe a Tuesday,Thursday League would work best, play under the lights. I don't know just a thought. Any input?
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by theorvii » Sun May 02, 2010 2:08 pm

Interesting concept. This would also affect 14's that are Freshmen correct? Would the Sections approve and would they allow players to do both if they wanted to play for their school and their travel ball team? It would need to be a state rule I would imagine. HS ball is definitely rough some times - especially JV ball because the teams are either loaded with no room on Varsity and you've got a loaded JV team OR Varsity has had to raid the best JV's and it (JV) can't compete. Of course some Varsity programs make sure their Jr.s & Sr.s are protected even if their are Frosh & Soph better waiting in the wings. I'm old school - I think my daughter would do both if it was allowed otherwise default to HS ball. As a 3-sport athlete she has her summers for travelball.
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by Iluvblue » Sun May 02, 2010 4:02 pm

What the OP was talking about was doing this INSTEAD of HS. As the current rules stand,players can not do both, and the section is not about to allow it. Unless a parent sues, which I cant believe hasnt happened already, as soccer and Volleyball are allowed to do both club and HS at the same time.

Anyways, I coach both Varsity HS and travel and the 14s DO have options. I coach 14u, and I tell all of my HS age players that if they dont make varsity, to skip HS, as JV or God forbid they are on Freshman, are a complete waste of time.
If the Freshman makes Varsity, they should play HS. The experience can be rough depending on who is coaching the HS team. Players need to take it for what it is and do the best they can. The HS experience for some can not be replaced. If things are good, those are memories that they will have forever.
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