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With gratitude to the Hot Shots

by No1Fan » Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:22 pm

I’m not sure if a post of this nature is appropriate. If not please know that it was purely a rookie mistake with no ill will intended. However, the effect on my 12/u DD was so profound that I feel somehow compelled to share.

She came from an environment where the coach chiefly offered anger, frustration, and negative criticisms. I remember thinking that there seemed to almost be a dark cloud that hung over practice.

After joining the Hot Shots mid-season, certain of her behaviors began to stand out. It’s funny how as parents we may not notice certain behaviors if that behavior is shared by the other players as well.

In any event, if a play didn’t go as she would have hoped, her shoulders would drop, she would look down at the ground, and then slowly and sheepishly look up at the coach, expecting some negative comment or demeaning body language (such as looking down with hands in shaking head). However, that no longer happened at the Hot Shots. Instead the coach would tell her to reboot, take a deep breath, refocus and make the next play. After 6 weeks with the Hot Shots, when a play didn’t go as she would have wanted, her shoulders no longer dropped. One could see her physically take a deep breath, reassess the defensive situation, and focus on the next pitch.

And that’s by far not the most important thing…She is quickly blossoming as a player. She always gives her 110%, not to avoid snide criticisms, but because she feels inspired to give her best. She insisted I buy her a resistance band so she could train her shoulders hard between seasons as to increase the velocity of her throws between short and 1st. She keeps a training journal, and I work out with her now three times a week.

She has found her smile on the field again and has rediscovered her passion for the game. More importantly, she again believes in herself and what she can accomplish.

For that, I am deeply and profoundly grateful.
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Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:30 am

by OaklandFan » Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:29 pm

I am from Oakley/Brentwood area and I am friends with and know several players and their families on both the teams in mention. My question to you No1Fan is didn't your daughter play for that coach since she was I believe 7 to now age 12/13, over 5 years before you're going over all after your daughter sat a game for a new player during a 8 game tournament. Then why did you stay for so long if it was the way you mentioned?????? sounds like it was simply time to move on so I advise to get over it before the karma comes back to you. I am sure that coach has a lot to say about you too if he reads this article.
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by Blender » Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:27 pm

holy cow, you guys are touchy, sounds like daddy didn't like his kid sitting for a game and went kooky, another case of parent ego...just let em play and talent will win out
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by No1Fan » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:58 am

Sheesh Blender…Are you often so opinionated over situations you know absolutely nothing about? It’s a complete waste of potential for you to be sitting behind your pc, hurling insults from the safety of your keyboard. You’re so right about everything, you should be like Dr. Laura and start taking calls!

In any event, nothing is served by bashing her former program. I was merely giving a well-deserved tip of the hat to her new program, and the profound effect the change in environments continues to have on her.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:30 am

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