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ASA 'B' Westerns in Roseville

by quietstorm02 » Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:48 pm

This was a pretty good tournament once they got deeper into bracket play. There were far too many huge blowouts in pool and early bracket play, but I was glad that the local teams got an opportunity to participate. Camarillo bested Huntington Beach in the 12u championship.

On first glance, either of those all-star teams in the final would be a Top-5 team in Sacramento. The pitching, hitting, and defense were stellar. The lineups were stacked 1-12 on those 2 teams and there were no apparent holes in the defenses. I thought most of our travel teams competed well in Reno the previous week, but these 2 teams looked more than capable of having made a good run out there, too.
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