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Your Fastpitch Softball Bible

College Softball

2018 Left Handed Pitcher/Hitter

Everything you want to know about the greatest game

by Lefty123 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:14 pm

Looking for a good some information/help. My daughter is starting to send out her videos to different school. She will be turning 16 in Aug of 2016 at which time she will be in 11th grade. Should we send the school one email or multiple emails to try and get them to see my daughter live? or maybe one or two emails max,? Don't want them to think that she is a stocker. Also if the school is having a camp, but it states nothing about pitching should we ask or should we wait for the school to have a pitching camp? So many questions but ill start with these.

Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:15 pm

by Mark H » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:39 pm

First get the "we" out of your mind. You are invisible unless it's a money question, safety question or you are asked. You probably are following this already but I mention it to make sure. As to communication, she can email every time she has an excuse. Advise of upcoming tournament. Advise of schedule change. Advise of tournament results. Link for a new skills video. Congratulations on something good the coach's team did, etc. If they are interested in her, they will be glad to hear from her. If not, they may pass it along to a coach friend. If they aren't interested in her and don't pass it along, who cares if they think it's too much?

Do not send out multi coach standard emails. Each email should be customized for the recipient.
Mark H
Posts: 318
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:08 pm

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