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College Recruiting

School "power rankings"...

Questions and Discussions Regarding the College Recruiting process

by fasterpitch92701 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:38 am

This source ranks, in their opinion, schools based on sports, academics and graduation rate. I have no affiliation with the source. The basis for their rankings is... a bit weak and cross comparisons often are flawed unless the underlying data is well defined (and it isn't here). They seem to key in on graduation rates but that also is dependent on "how tough is the road" stats. Regardless, it's another subjective perspective for your amusement and light reading when you have absolutely nothing else to do after 10 hours of work... and the lawn is mowed and the laundry is done and car is serviced and the groceries have been acquired and... and...

Enjoy in good health. ... 28tab%29/0
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