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Your Fastpitch Softball Bible

College Recruiting

FPOS Team Partner Program - 1 month trial for $20!!

Questions and Discussions Regarding the College Recruiting process

by FPOS » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:26 am


Get a Free Roster Handout to give to College Coaches Press Release

Let FPOS help you get your players recruited. Get a professional team roster handout to give to college coaches.
Try the FPOS Team Partner Program for 1 month for
$20.00 -
click here
and get the Team Profile Generator for free and get a discount on a custom profile layout


FPOS Team Partner Program:

- Create team roster handouts as often as you need with 1 click
- Get discounts on custom team handout layouts
- Provides your players with the ability to create a dynamic profile - this mean they will be responsible to update their information - not you!
- Will create a personalized team recruiting page for your team including your roster and schedule
- Provides FREE interactive recruiting webinars to explain the recruiting process to your team.
- Players will get information on recruiting process including our pamphlet 5 things you need to know and 5 things you need to do.

-Live Webinar series for team members including:

Getting ready for the showcase season
Coach Round table with D2, D3, NAIA and JC coaches that discusses different types of schools
Financial Aid

Normally a $199 dollar yearly team membership


FPOS Team Partner intro

Let the recruiting professionals at FPOS make your job easier and educate your team about the recruiting process. FPOS staff are former college softball coaches and players that have extensive experience with the softball recruiting process. Your job is to coach - let FPOS help you with the recruiting of your players and educate your team to help them find a great fit in a college!

Recruiting is happening earlier and earlier - all high school age players need this information. All 14 U, 16 U and 18 U teams will benefit!

Get your players the tools they need to be successful in the recruiting process. Get connected with the recruiting professionals at FPOS - the only softball specific recruiting website of its kind!

Want more information or have questions? Email and a representative can explain this great service.

Kim Gwydir
Fastpitch Online Showcase LLC
Contact FPOS at:
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:30 am

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