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Amanda Freed on Energy Suckers and Energy Givers

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by artomatic » Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:32 pm

A great article by Amanda Freed:

March 15, 2007

Amanda Freed
Special to

I've learned a lot of lessons throughout my career. I've learned that you aren't always going to like EVERYONE on your team but you need to learn to respect them. I learned how to give a firm hand shake to a college coach instead of a "wet fish." And, I learned that you can't control balls and strikes so if the pitch is anywhere close with two strikes you better be swinging.

A reoccurring theme that'll you hear from me is that many of the lessons I've learned along the way have very little to do with the actual "game." This is just another one of those instances where a small lesson on the field can go a long way in life.

I'm talking about a little lesson I learned at UCLA about the difference between energy givers and energy suckers.

Right off the bat, some of you reading this probably have a good idea of what I'm talking about. There are two kinds of people in any situation in life, there are the ones who give off energy and then there are those who just suck the life right out of you. Whether you think so or not, you fall into one of these two categories and by the time this article is done, you'll be able to identify who you are and how you are affecting those around you,

How many of you really, truly, enjoy practice?

I mean, you really enjoy being out on the field for five hours on a Sunday, in the heat, taking bad hops in the chest while your other friends are lying out by the pool getting a tan. Trust me, it's OK to say no. I don't know about you, but more times than not I'd rather be playing a game than practicing.

Now let's say you're not really thinking about it because it's nice outside, you're having a pretty good practice, you're arm feels good, then one of your teammates comes up next to you and mumbles under her breath. "Ugh, this stinks! I'm tired and my arm's a little sore. I hope we get done early so I can get home and meet my friends before they leave for the movies! Ugh, I don't want to be here!"

All of the sudden, you start thinking, "You're right, I'm pretty tired too. And it's hot out! And the balls are taking pretty bad hops today. Now that I think about it, I don't want to me here either. Ugh, this stinks, I hope we get done early!"

You've just had the life sucked right out of you! You might be laughing right now because you know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you? Things can be going great and just like that, bam… you're drained.

Now, I don't consider myself one to hit the real highs and lows emotionally, I think I stay pretty neutral. I like to surround myself with people who make me feel good and make me want to be a better person/ player. You don't have to be a real rah-rah kind of player to give off energy, but any type of player can be an energy sucker. You're not expected to enjoy every inning of every game, every hour of every practice, but don't bring your teammates down with you.

Trust me, time moves a lot slower when you're thinking in the negative. Personally, I like to be around people who give off energy. Like I said before, not rah-rah energy, but positive energy. Smiling and having a good time is contagious. We see this in every situation in life. When you're in line at the grocery store and a checker is in a bad mood, doesn't look at you, doesn't smile, just moves through you like you weren't even there.

You don't say hello, don't smile back, take your groceries and leave and all of the sudden you can't figure out why you weren't in the same happy mood that you arrived in. I guess that's kind of a weird analogy but you see how it is found in such a simple interaction between two people.

Another example… I love to teach! Sometimes I'll be giving lessons and I'll be moving through the girls having great sessions, wondering where the time has gone, and then I'll get to a girl who decides she would rather be somewhere else for that half hour. I know that we all have days like this! I understand that you can't be in a good mood all the time. That's okay!

But when someone else can feel your negative energy it's not okay. Now, say this girl hangs her shoulders, throws lots of pitches but rarely acknowledges that I'm there. All of the sudden I don't want to be there either. A half hour feels like an hour and I'm thinking about all the things I'd rather be doing instead of getting to do what I love. It happens on the field, at school, and at work. Giving energy doesn't mean you have to be vocal. All it means is that you are giving your very best effort in what you are doing for the time that you are doing it. Lead by example and hope that your energy rubs off on someone who may not be having a good day. Whether you believe it or not, your attitude is contagious.

By now I'm sure you've identified which type of person you are. The majority of you may slip in and out of each from time to time. I know now that there have been times when I've probably sucked the life out of some of my teammates and it's not OK, but now I understand the effect my attitude has on others.

Remember the next time you get the feeling that it's just not your day, and you don't want to be there, instead of turning to your teammates, friends, or coworkers and sucking the energy out of them, try and surround yourself with those who are giving off good energy. You may find that suddenly your mood will change and practice, school, or work may not be as bad as you thought.
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by artomatic » Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:57 pm

Janet Smith wrote:I'm sorry...what was that?

Thanks Janet Smith...
Guess which one you are?
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by Skarp » Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:15 pm

artomatic wrote:
Janet Smith wrote:I'm sorry...what was that?

Thanks Janet Smith...
Guess which one you are?


Hey, when Art gives you a smack-down, you can take it to the bank that you deserve it. He didn't get my "Artfully Diplomatic" award for nothing. :mrgreen:
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by SSdad » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:25 am

Skarp wrote:
artomatic wrote:
Janet Smith wrote:I'm sorry...what was that?

Thanks Janet Smith...
Guess which one you are?


Hey, when Art gives you a smack-down, you can take it to the bank that you deserve it. He didn't get my "Artfully Diplomatic" award for nothing. :mrgreen:

yeah, if he goes all in......FOLD!!!
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