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by Safebyahare » Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:16 am

Hey! Dipstick,
What makes you a self rightious zelot?
The picture topic that you find so offensive, you not only helped paint, you gave it credibility.
In the way and manner in which you argue.
Rather than show it for what it is, slanted perspective propaganda, and make the illustration that not only is it twisted, it breaks easily under scrutiny or under closer examiation. The absurdity progressive lounge room thinking.
You on the other hand would rather attack your own and cannibalize them allowing the opposing side to gain validity.
You are your own worst enemy, you are the reason BW can post this and have evidence of mind set.
Think out of the box sometimes, or just think. Perhaps a game of 5 dimensional mind Tetris?
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by tbjd33 » Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:53 am

Safebyahare wrote:Hey! Dipstick,
What makes you a self rightious zelot?
The picture topic that you find so offensive, you not only helped paint, you gave it credibility.
In the way and manner in which you argue.
Rather than show it for what it is, slanted perspective propaganda, and make the illustration that not only is it twisted, it breaks easily under scrutiny or under closer examiation. The absurdity progressive lounge room thinking.
You on the other hand would rather attack your own and cannibalize them allowing the opposing side to gain validity.
You are your own worst enemy, you are the reason BW can post this and have evidence of mind set.
Think out of the box sometimes, or just think. Perhaps a game of 5 dimensional mind Tetris?

Hare your kind is the reason there are many misguided lost out there today...

Open minded and think out of the box is a new school thought that's been going around since the time of Christ. Oh I can think out of the box. Trust me one of my kind would find a picture of that nature disgusting and unacceptable.

Nothing I do helps their thought gain validity. Only truth can be validated!

Let me leave you with this verse for today...

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭

It actually takes work and perseverance to remain a Christian today. It isn't cool. Your called closed minded. Called anti gay. Called anti women. Called anti other religion. Called ignorant. Called dipstick!! Imagine a photo of Mohammad in that same setting or depicted in any form of disrespect. I wonder what those would say. Oh wait it happened not to long ago in France. Not good right?!?!

Go ahead a follow today's so called new age thought and acceptance and tolerance. This stuff truly is Black and white...

And again... Your not on my team cause I would have heard an Amen Brother!!
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by Safebyahare » Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:44 am

tbjd33 wrote:
Safebyahare wrote:Hey! Dipstick,
I did not call you out, but I see you answered the call.

Hare your kind is the reason there are many misguided lost out there today...Really?

Open minded and think out of the box is a new school thought that's been going around since the time of Christ. Oh I can think out of the box. Trust me one of my kind would find a picture of that nature disgusting and unacceptable.So why not make it out for what it is, a slanted distorted perspective?

Nothing I do helps their thought gain validity. Only truth can be validated! No your actions and reactions can not only verify, they also endorse.

Let me leave you with this verse for today...

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭ Amen brotha

It actually takes work and perseverance to remain a Christian today. NO it is easy. It isn't cool. It is the new cool. Your called closed minded. Called anti gay. Called anti women. Called anti other religion. Called ignorant. Called dipstick!! Imagine a photo of Mohammad in that same setting or depicted in any form of disrespect. I wonder what those would say. Oh wait it happened not to long ago in France. Not good right?!?! Actually good, they show their intolerance, there should be more of it, Mohammad at a 10y tourney looking for a wife.

Go ahead a follow today's so called new age thought and acceptance and tolerance. This stuff truly is Black and white... NO, I just look at things from all angles to understand and to form an opinion, You must understand your enemy to defeat them. or to enlighten yourself.

And again... Your not on my team cause I would have heard an Amen Brother!! Well if I was on your team I would send you out to the cornfield to get grid squares.
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by fastpitchdad05 » Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:44 pm

Safebyahare wrote:
tbjd33 wrote:
Safebyahare wrote:Hey! Dipstick,
I did not call you out, but I see you answered the call.

Hare your kind is the reason there are many misguided lost out there today...Really?

Open minded and think out of the box is a new school thought that's been going around since the time of Christ. Oh I can think out of the box. Trust me one of my kind would find a picture of that nature disgusting and unacceptable.So why not make it out for what it is, a slanted distorted perspective?

Nothing I do helps their thought gain validity. Only truth can be validated! No your actions and reactions can not only verify, they also endorse.

Let me leave you with this verse for today...

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭ Amen brotha

It actually takes work and perseverance to remain a Christian today. NO it is easy. It isn't cool. It is the new cool. Your called closed minded. Called anti gay. Called anti women. Called anti other religion. Called ignorant. Called dipstick!! Imagine a photo of Mohammad in that same setting or depicted in any form of disrespect. I wonder what those would say. Oh wait it happened not to long ago in France. Not good right?!?! Actually good, they show their intolerance, there should be more of it, Mohammad at a 10y tourney looking for a wife.

Go ahead a follow today's so called new age thought and acceptance and tolerance. This stuff truly is Black and white... NO, I just look at things from all angles to understand and to form an opinion, You must understand your enemy to defeat them. or to enlighten yourself.

And again... Your not on my team cause I would have heard an Amen Brother!! Well if I was on your team I would send you out to the cornfield to get grid squares.

Give it up, Hare old buddy. You're arguing with a guy who thinks he's the second coming.
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by blackwidow » Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:51 pm

Neo-Conservative think tanker Patrick Clausen on How the United States can get a war with Iran.

Some notable statements from that very short clip:
“Crisis Initiation is really tough!”
“It would be best if someone else started the war”
“We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians, we could get nasty with that.”

What a worm.

Remember when the U.S. Navy shot down an Iranian passenger airliner killing ALL 290 passengers? Didn’t think so. Well, I wonder what would have happened if the shoe were on the other foot and Iran’s Navy had shot down an American Airliner full of civilian passengers? Or even worst an Israeli Airliner? What do you think the response would be in this country? I shudder to think what it would be just based on the many interesting responses I get to my anti-war posts. ... s-missiles

Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8,500th Nuclear Weapon ... r-w,27325/

WAR-Minded.jpg (112.87 KiB) Viewed 5392 times

~War is a Racket
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Location: riding a horse so high your complaints just sound like ant farts to me.

by Dugout Dad » Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:48 pm

blackwidow wrote:Remember when the U.S. Navy shot down an Iranian passenger airliner killing ALL 290 passengers? Didn’t think so. Well, I wonder what would have happened if the shoe were on the other foot and Iran’s Navy had shot down an American Airliner full of civilian passengers?

Yea, remember it well, obviously you don't . As I recall, the aircraft was identified as an F4 (US jet fighter from Vietnam era) because of its IFF squawk, look this up if you don't know what it means. The captain of that Comair was told 3 times to change course or be shot down, the captain would not change course and argued that he was a Comair. If he had changed course, no harm. The Navy captain's first responsibility it to protect his ship.

Always distorting facts BW.
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by exD1dad » Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:17 pm

Touche Dugout Dad!

BW I have vivid memories from the mid to late '70's when Iran's "Death to America" was in the news, daily. I had a professor in College whose father was a General who was executed by the Revolutionary Government, the corrupt ones left with tens of millions of dollars many others with the means to left, lots ended up in Beverly Hills (you watch Shahs of Sunset" on E right :lol: ). How many times have I heard some leader of Iran in the last almost 40 years say "Death to America" ? Far too many to count.

I could easily outdo you BW & find hundreds of hateful Anti American speeches from Iranian leaders or Mullahs, but why bother. One of the few latin terms in our legal system is "Respa Ipsa Loquitur" or The facts speak for themselves
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by PDad » Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:20 am

blackwidow wrote:Neo-Conservative think tanker Patrick Clausen on How the United States can get a war with Iran.

Some notable statements from that very short clip:
“Crisis Initiation is really tough!”
“It would be best if someone else started the war”
“We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians, we could get nasty with that.”

What a worm.

What a poorly spun web of deceit. It's bad enough the video doesn't show the context of his remarks, then you create a false narrative of him advocating war by taking a few quotes further out of context. You really need to listen to everything instead of just the portions where your primitive spidey sense goes off.

“I frankly think that crisis initiation is really tough and it's very hard for me to see how the United States President can get us to war with Iran. Which leads me to conclude that, if in fact compromise is not coming, that the traditional way America gets to war is what would be best for U.S. interests."

He doesn't advocate war as being in America's best interests - he's saying we shouldn't start a war without proper provocation. He then goes through a list of wars and the presidents waiting for a triggering event (e.g. Ft Sumter, Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin) before concluding "If in fact the Iranians aren't going to compromise, it would be best if someone else started the war.”

He goes on to make the important point that there are a wide range of options between sanctions and war. "One can combine other means of pressure with sanctions."

We can do a variety of things, if we wish to, to increase pressure - I'm not advocating that. But I'm just suggesting that this is not an either/or proposition of it's just sanctions have to succeed or other things. We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could get nastier with that.”

BW - did you intentionally misrepresent this and/or was it your inability to comprehend? I realize it is very difficult for an eensy-weensy spider brain to comprehend multiple sentences into a coherent thought.

Remember when the U.S. Navy shot down an Iranian passenger airliner killing ALL 290 passengers? Didn’t think so.

What a pompous remark. Yes, I remember it. I also remember our Iranian embassy being overrun in 1979 and the employees being held captive for more than a year; the bomb attacks in 1983 Lebanon on our embassy and the Marine barracks; 4 other bomb attacks in 1995-98 and then the USS Cole in 2000. It was a tragic mistake in a war zone (Iran-Iraq) and US forces on high alert due to previous attacks.

Well, I wonder what would have happened if the shoe were on the other foot and Iran’s Navy had shot down an American Airliner full of civilian passengers? Or even worst an Israeli Airliner? What do you think the response would be in this country?

Do you remember what happened after the Russians shot down Korean Air 007 in 1983? How about Malaysian MH17 over Ukraine? There would be a loud outcry in the US or Israel, however both governments would determine whether it was intentional or an accident before taking action.
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by Safebyahare » Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:29 am

To stick with the theme of your last post BW,,I think it bombed.
Fortunately DD,XD1 and PDad shot it down before anyone was hurt.
No one likes war, but to not be prepared when they say you must die is not just foolish, it's stupid.
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by Safebyahare » Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:44 pm

There is a little truth in one aspect of your last post. War is a racket.,
Do you mean there is money to be made in war?? Of course. Is all war bad?? Nope.
I like the revolutionary war myself. So what good comes out of it?
Well,,it is the defense and the innovations of technological defense.
We've actually gotten pretty good at it. For example, we no longer make mass ordinances of so called dumb bombs, we now make smart bombs which limit collateral damage and saves innocent lives. This is a good thing.
We can laser targets and paint them so we hit what is needed.
The advancements in everyday life for all of us thanks to the defense of war.
I believe duct tape, freeze drying, the microwave are all part of hundreds of things that came from the defense innovations.
GPS is one that comes to mind, no longer do we have to cut down innocent trees and harm mother earth for road maps. It's now on our phones. So don't be pessimistic, be optimistic and smile.
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