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Delayed dead ball in obstruction or interference call

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by coolstuff » Tue May 20, 2008 6:49 am

This weekend, we were the "victim" of what we believed was a bad call, so I'd like some input from other, more knowledgeable folks.

Runner on 1st. Batter hits a ground ball to the pitcher. Second base inches forward into the running lane between 1st and 2nd. Runner on 1st is hauling A toward 2nd. The pitcher deflects the ball which rolls towards 1st base. The runner on 1st collides with the second baseman who is making no further movement whatsoever towards the ball or any bag, merely in la-la land watching the 1st baseman field the errant ball. After the collision, the field ump who is right on top of the play gives a delayed dead ball signal. The runner makes it to 2nd while the second baseman lies on the ground even more dazed and confused than when she was upright. The plate ump suddenly calls a time-out. The 1st baseman stands there holding the ball wondering what the heck is going on while we send the runner on 2nd all the way home. The plate ump is screaming "Time!" The opposing coaches are screaming, "He called time!" The first baseman makes a belated throw to home for whatever reason seemed logical to her.

After a long and drawn out discussion with both umpires, the field ump was ready to call obstruction and let the runner take second on the delayed dead ball call. The plate ump stubbornly claimed it was interference and would not budge and the field ump stuck to his decision that it was obstruction. The plate ump over-ruled the field ump, and the runner was called out.

So who was right? (You can tell who I thought was right.)
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by umpinva » Tue May 20, 2008 8:03 am

coolstuff wrote:This weekend, we were the "victim" of what we believed was a bad call, so I'd like some input from other, more knowledgeable folks.

Runner on 1st. Batter hits a ground ball to the pitcher. Second base inches forward into the running lane between 1st and 2nd. Runner on 1st is hauling A toward 2nd. The pitcher deflects the ball which rolls towards 1st base. The runner on 1st collides with the second baseman who is making no further movement whatsoever towards the ball or any bag, merely in la-la land watching the 1st baseman field the errant ball. After the collision, the field ump who is right on top of the play gives a delayed dead ball signal. The runner makes it to 2nd while the second baseman lies on the ground even more dazed and confused than when she was upright. The plate ump suddenly calls a time-out. The 1st baseman stands there holding the ball wondering what the heck is going on while we send the runner on 2nd all the way home. The plate ump is screaming "Time!" The opposing coaches are screaming, "He called time!" The first baseman makes a belated throw to home for whatever reason seemed logical to her.

After a long and drawn out discussion with both umpires, the field ump was ready to call obstruction and let the runner take second on the delayed dead ball call. The plate ump stubbornly claimed it was interference and would not budge and the field ump stuck to his decision that it was obstruction. The plate ump over-ruled the field ump, and the runner was called out.

So who was right? (You can tell who I thought was right.)

Not being there and only going by the description of the play, I would have DDB obstruction and protect R1 to second base.

Any of the umpires officiating the game can call obstruction or interference. In my area we are taught that the umpire closest to the play make the call. If circumstances lead to that umpire being blocked on the play and another umpire sees the infraction then that umpire can make the call.

Unless the BU was the crew chief, the PU is the UIC and will have the final decision.
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by skahtboi » Tue May 20, 2008 12:53 pm

This is definitely a HTBT (had to be there) call. Going solely on your description, that the F4 had no play on the ball, then yes, OBS would seem to be the correct ruling.

Umpinva, I would have to disagree with you. The call should have been the BU's call all the way, so unless he went to the PU for any additional information and changed his call, then the call should have stood as he made it. Being the UIC on a field does not give one over-rule privileges.
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by wadeintothem » Tue May 20, 2008 6:29 pm

Put me in with shah's corner.

I would have let this call rest with BU and maybe talked about it later. THere is no way i would have forced the INT call. By the OP's (who admits bias) slanted description, I also have OBS..

I can speak to how I deal with my partners, and I would have ceded the call to him rather than a have a pissing contest the crowd would know about and overturn this call. The PU should have backed down. The PU CANNOT overrule another official.

The only time I have ever over ruled a partner is when they are plain getting a rule wrong.. like recently my PU was misstating the Tie Breaker rule for a team and putting the wrong runner on the bases. I cant allow a wrong rule. I have position outside the field, so I will make sure the rule is right.

I can live with a different judgment on a call than me and accept that... and we'll chat after the game; and that is certainly bettter than making a mockery of the officiating of a game... which is what was done here, whether it was INT or OBS.
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by coolstuff » Wed May 21, 2008 4:56 am

Thanks for the help, especially since you agreed with me. ;)

But honestly, I did not see F4 make any attempt to field the ball. Her step forward might have been in reaction to the deflection, but she made no further move to the ball once she planted herself in the base path.

The bad news is: the runner would have scored. The next four batters were BB, H, BB, BB. The good news is: the loss of the potential run didn't affect the outcome. We won the game AND the tournament!
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by wadeintothem » Wed May 21, 2008 6:04 am

coolstuff wrote:The bad news is: the runner would have scored. The next four batters were BB, H, BB, BB. The good news is: the loss of the potential run didn't affect the outcome. We won the game AND the tournament!

well with pitching that poor, no matter that call.. it would be tough to sell me that any outcome was the umpires fault... even if that umpire got a single call wrong.
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by skahtboi » Wed May 21, 2008 1:16 pm

wadeintothem wrote:Put me in with shah's corner.

I am a shah now? Wow! When do I start seeing the oil money??? :geek:
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by bigsig » Wed May 21, 2008 2:03 pm


I agree with the other posts. As described, it would be OBS, a delayed dead ball. I thought when I first read your post you were going to say that the PU killed the play because the 2B was laying on the ground injured. If that was the case it's then a dead ball and the umpires award the bases they believe would have been attained had no OBS occured.
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by coolstuff » Thu May 22, 2008 11:14 am

wadeintothem wrote:
coolstuff wrote:The bad news is: the runner would have scored. The next four batters were BB, H, BB, BB. The good news is: the loss of the potential run didn't affect the outcome. We won the game AND the tournament!

well with pitching that poor, no matter that call.. it would be tough to sell me that any outcome was the umpires fault... even if that umpire got a single call wrong.

Besides that one call, they both were the best umps we saw all weekend, and the head coach told them that at the end of the game. Sometimes the blues need to hear that too.

And they pulled the pitcher after 3 BB in 4 AB. Wouldn't you?
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by coolstuff » Thu May 22, 2008 11:17 am

bigsig wrote:Coolstuff

I agree with the other posts. As described, it would be OBS, a delayed dead ball. I thought when I first read your post you were going to say that the PU killed the play because the 2B was laying on the ground injured. If that was the case it's then a dead ball and the umpires award the bases they believe would have been attained had no OBS occured.

That was my first thought when the PU called time, and that may have been his reason to do so, but he was also calling INT, not OBS.
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